Part 7

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Chapter 7

I awoke early the next morning from a nightmare where I was tied down while seven or eight clucking women were swarming around 'pampering' me.

"Typical." I grumbled into the dark grabbing my watch I squinted at the softly glowing Dial which informed me it was 6:13 am. "typical." I snarled again flopping back down into my pillows, knowing that nightmare was going to keep me awake for weeks. I groaned and pulled myself up out of bed rubbing my eyes roughly as I padded to my bathroom. I was lucky being the only girl and the fact that I still lived in the den meant that I was lucky enough to have an on suite bathroom. I squinted as soon as I turned on the light. I groaned as soon as I was able to open my eyes and see myself in the mirror. I looked exhausted as well as the make up Kate had insisted upon begin smeared down my face making me look light some sort of drunk clown.

"Why didn't you come off in the shower?" I groaned before I filled my tiny basin with warm water and lathered up some soap which I rubbed over my face vigorously, dunking my head into the water before I dabbed my face dry. I lifted my face to look into the mirror it was better but still not perfect but I couldn't be distracted by the make up because my gaze was snatched away by a vivid purple bite mark on my neck, which brought the memories of the night before crashing back into me. I swept my gaze down and saw the equally deep bite mark on my breast. I suddenly felt as if the room had lost all its air and I crumpled down to the bathroom floor. I knew even as I was doing it that was a stupid response I hadn't forgotten the night before how could I but there was something about those seeing those bruises in the cold light of day which made it really hit home what had happened. But the thing which shocked me the most wasn't what I done with Derek it was the fact that what had happened I'd welcomed not only that I'd wanted more. I'd wanted him so much, and if I was honest the fact that we'd been interrupted was the only reason we'd stopped and I'd practically sprinted to my room before I yielded and grabbed him again. I pushed myself up unsteadily up to my feet and wobbled back to my room the whole pace still seeming completely airless. I pulled out a set of my running gear and hastily wriggled in determined to get out of the house before anyone of the boys were up and about as I'm sure before the day was done someone would bring up the fact that my ripped knickers were found on the kitchen floor. I growled in pure frustration as that thought occurred in my mind and stomped noisily out of the house. Pausing only once I was out in the cold predawn light to breathe deeply the cold air stinging my lungs. I jumped up a couple of times locked my eyes on the trees and broke into a steady run.

My lungs burned as I ran my legs turned to jelly and yet I kept moving. The steady rhythm of my pounding feet distracting me better than anything else. I became mesmerized by the steady beat of my feet, the calm even breathing, and the persistent beating of my ponytail on the back of my neck. My feet pounded and my arms pumped as a thin film of sweat began to coat my skin as I effortlessly ran across the pebbly uneven ground. My eyes not looking to the left or the right that didn't matter all that mattered was the ground under my feet as long as that was my target I didn't have to think about Derek. Suddenly my leg tangled on something and my other leg slid in the mud I pitched forward. I closed my eyes braced for an impact which didn't come. I opened my eyes hesitantly.

"Derek?" I said blankly he smiled,

"hi." He said awkwardly, a quick glance around told me the whole story it seemed I'd tripped over Derek's ankle but he evidently had spun round and managed to catch me before I hit the ground. He stood up smoothly keeping me enclosed in his arms until I was placed back on my feet but I couldn't help but notice the way he carefully kept his eyes averted. This simple gesture endeared me to him so much as in that moment he was as uncomfortable as I was, I actually found myself lifting my hand to place it on his cheek but something stopped me and I sighed letting my hand drop back down to my side .

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