Part 4

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Chapter 4

I didn't sleep I flung myself down on the bed still fully clothed simply seething inside as I listened to the house fall asleep around me. I knew the next morning would likely be very unpleasant but I didn't have the energy to deal with that right now and knew I would probably have either started throwing things or yelling. I was just still so angry, we're nothing if not protective of our pack and I was so angry that some of mine had got hurt I know we hurt them more than they hurt us but that didn't matter how dare they threaten my pack. Luckily this anger had flowed from me leaving me feeling numb just too tired to even think of it, but still to wired to sleep. My ears pricked up as I heard a foreign sound. My wolf sense cautioned me so I leapt to my feet silently and stood crouched and silent waiting for another sign of were this threat was coming from as my hand instinctively reached out in the dark my fingers easily finding the hidden drawer allowing me to retrieve my small revolver. I straightened as I heard a sound again outside my window. I held my breath thinking frantically as I quickly clicked the safety off, but before I could properly think of what to do the window swung open and a dark figure slid into my room. On instinct I leapt hitting my attacker who in pure surprise didn't react and as my weight landed on him he fell over onto his back and I heard the wind being knocked out of him as I pushed the muzzle of the gun against his forehead. The growl in my throat died away as my enhanced eyes took in the features of her intruder.

"Damn you Derek." I snarled jabbing a finger into his chest.

"Ouch." He said fakely rubbing his chest.

"Haven't we had the discussion about you climbing through the window?" I said firmly. I knew he could obviously as we were wolves our childhood games were well a little rough, and Derek and me had been sneaking into each others rooms since we learnt to climb (which was generally something we learnt to do just before we learnt to walk). But it was something I'd banned since he began shifting as he seemed so much more grown up and hence the act of climbing through my window had taken on a different meaning.

"Yeah but if this is the way you'll greet me every time I try it I should ignore your requests more often." He said with a small smile, I did growl at that but mainly at myself as he was still lying flat on his back with my body laid on top of him. "Although I would prefer it if you could remove the gun." I didn't move an inch Derek smiled just a little more "you won't need it." He said his voice slightly husky. I sighed and pushed myself up to my feet as Derek groaned screwing his face up as though disappointed.

"What are you doing here, didn't Darius ground you?" I asked placing my gun back into its hiding place. Derek smiled,

"Well we've been sentenced but not grounded."

"Three months?" (we policed the issues between our kind ourselves but when pack wolves misbehaved in a way that wasn't sever enough to warrant banishment they were sentenced to hard physical labour to rebuild and maintain our properties).

"Four." He spat,

"Oooh that's a long time." I said brightly Derek smiled again,

"You'll be in trouble too you know." He said grimly "Darius is pissed." I smiled my great defender from my father,

"I think you'll be in trouble if anybody knows you're here."

"I wasn't banned from coming here."


"Darius said I should leave you alone tonight and its now 2am."

"And so its morning." I added Derek nodded "semantics." I grumbled under my breath.

"If the Alpha commanded it I couldn't have come here could I but I'm here."

"you could have gone rogue." I suggested

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