Part 23

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Chapter 23

In the next week I slipped almost effortlessly into the new routines of being a university student. I spent my Days either in class or hanging about with a still rather bemused Ashton. Hence I found myself spending a lot of time in the library that seemed to relax him as he was obviously more comfortable there, and it seemed to provide him with a reason why I was hanging out with him (for study tips) however wrong that conclusion was. Ashton also tuned out to be a great friend mainly as he kept a distance and just accepted everything including how much I ate as I know the others in our class had noticed and they didn't see the half of it. When I was alone or trying to be alone around the shops or wandering around the campus I followed Derek's advice and walked around with his MP3 Player constantly plugged into my ears pounding my ear drums, but I think I was doing this too much as I was starting to quite like his music. But of course in addition to my educational activities I was also spending a great deal of time Drinking, not getting drunk just drinking. Drinking enough alcohol that the pull I felt towards Derek was just deadened to a degree where I could just contently ignore it. Although this still didn't make it perfect I was close to being content maybe as the annoying rebellious daughter in me felt I was actually achieving the goal of pissing my family off while defying their expectations. Although if I could have stopped congratulating myself on my excellent assimilation skills I would have paid more attention to Jamie and noticed how he was doing, but he was Jamie and here was to protect me and I wanted to be here so whatever Jamie was suffering he endured in silence and I was simply too content and pleased with myself to question any deeper into. But despite however content I felt right now I was still thrilled as Thursday night drew in as I had minimal classes on Friday (so lots of time to go batter an innocent kick pad) and then early Saturday morning we were going home. It was time for out monthly meet, and I was so wanted to see the boys even Derek (even though I of course would NEVER admit that). But this was the reason that I dragged poor Ashton into the shops on Thursday afternoon.

"Library?" he suggested as we left our lecture in the early hours of the afternoon. I shook my head. "ok." He said with a shrug as if he was finally accepting me ending out friendship as he had expected.

"I need your help." I said beckoning him towards the car park where I had parked my now beloved scarlet Vauxhall Nova much to Jamie's disgust (he didn't like me driving apparently I rode her clutch too hard).

"Why?" he asked as we emerged into the dull afternoon where the air was heavy with rain that promised to fall.

"I Need a male opinion." I said reaching my car.

"Why mine?" he said vaguely "I mean I've known people like you well known of them anyway you're the beautiful talented popular ones whose boyfriends give me wedgies and trip me over in the hallway. I'm just an oddball." I sighed,

"Damn it all this time together and you still think I'm that dull." He smiled

"Not dull just normal."

"Hell that's worse that dull." I said glumly "that's tedious I can see why your trying to ditch me." He smiled, "look I was an outsider at school too but even if I was popular were not eleven anymore and I wont give you any wedgies." I smiled "unless you ask nicely." I said slipping into the drivers seat and leaning over to unlock the passenger side, Ashton climbed in after only a moments hesitation.

"So this is what do you need my help with?" Ashton called as he stood awkwardly outside the fitting room I was wriggling around in.

"Yes I need a guy opinion." I said hitting my bottom in a very undignified way against the mirror behind me as I tried to wriggle into the fabric.

"So what do you want to know?" he said with a sigh as I pulled up the zip.

"Well it's for a family...gathering I need to know what vibe it gives out "I mumbled adjusting the dress smoothing the fabric down over my hips. I had decided t buy a new dress for the meet as it seemed I had lost more than a little weight and I didn't want any of the boys drawing pointless conclusions from that. The black dress I had picked out was a halter neck in a clingy sort of fabric that accentuated my curves especially emphasising my cleavage. The dress was very short just skimming under my bum but I don't know why but I liked it. I pulled back the curtain and Ashton's eyebrows disappeared into his hairline as he Jaw visibly dropped.

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