Part 31

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Chapter 31

The next few days were thoroughly uncomfortable, for me Jamie and my Ashton especially my Ashton. Jamie was angry at me although he of course was covering this as well as he could and he was angry with himself he felt that he had let me down as I could have been hurt I'd wondered off he hadn't noticed and in his opinion I could have died. I kept apologizing but that of course didn't help as he was angry with himself more than me. And my Ashton well that was worse poor thing. Jamie had concocted a story for him before I even got home it wasn't bad it just involved us all getting very drunk and him passing out on the sofa, but he was completely horrified by the fact that he couldn't remember a thing. Which made me feel like a complete git especially when he tentatively asked me if we had found his mobile as he seemed to have lost it that night. I had to bite my lip and lie as the image of him saying in a placid voice "I'm going to call Jamie and let him know that you now were the ones that have his car." Which I responded to by winding my window down and simply plucking the phone from his hand and flinging it out on the dual carriage way we were flying down. Although I was also feeling pretty sorry for myself too. From that day I called Darius Daily to see how much progress the Enforcers were making in trying to find the murderer. It seemed that progress was not really progressing at all, all the evidence of the rogue if there had ever been one were getting vaguer by the Minute and if there had been a rogue they were smart and they had covered their tracks well. But after those few days Darius still released Derek from the cage as he simply couldn't prove or disprove anything. But it wasn't till Friday that I noticed something wrong with him. I had managed to persuade Ashton to come to my flat for us to study though I think I only managed that as Jamie had Drama club (tee hee) and the library was closed and of course his room mates were not very helpful when you wanted to study.

"Oooh this looks serious." Jamie said playfully as he walked into our lounge the floor of which was covered in a deep layer of combined legal books and my own handwritten inelligable notes.

"hi." I said looking over at him with a beam. "I've had a headache since Ash here suggested it." Jamie walked over and kissed the top of my head gently,

"Poor baby anything I could do to help?" he asked his voice way too calm too hard, it was normality that took just a little too much effort to maintain. I lifted my chin to look directly at him smiling flirtatiously. He sighed,


"I love you." I said playfully,

"mmm." He said smiling as he walked to the kitchen, "want some Ash?" he called, not noticing that Ashton was now collecting up his scattered notes.

"Nah I'm alright Jamie." he said breathlessly.

"Oh stop that." I said snatching the books from his hands.

"Is he still being all weird abut getting pissed and passing out on the sofa?" Jamie asked playfully leaning out of the kitchenette.

"yep." I said jumping up holding his books out of reach childishly even though he made no move to retrieve them

"Ah mate forget it." Jamie said lightly "stay study, eat pizza, have a beer." he said appearing with a bottle of larger in hand.

"No I...I really have to go." He said gesturing vaguely at nothing,

"Come on mate I've opened it already." Jamie said holding the bottle out.

"Were nearly done anyway, we can be done much quicker if we just carry on now."

"And we have pepperoni." Jamie put in brightly.

"Plus together we could probably find out why Jamie is in such a fucking weird mood." I said as Jamie snorted.

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