Part 67

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Chapter 67

"Fuck this is ridiculous." I snarled collapsing back into the walls behind me. "I have been kidnapped by my fucking evil twin" Dan chuckled, as Christian narrowed his eyes at me. But Beth just snorted,

"We're identical twins darling this is the perfect example of the influence of environmental features. See you got to stay with our father and you were his whole world his complete perfect little princess. Me on the other hand I was on the run with my mother you can't imagine what it was like for us. We had live in the shadows, in the boundaries between the two packs. All the rogues are crammed into that tiny space, can you imagine what its like to grow up being the only girl among that." I looked at the boys grouped around behind her,

"I can guess?" I said flatly,

"Oh no you can't." Beth snarled. She smiled "I heard you had your first shift just before you were eighteen because Derek kissed you for the first time." I narrowed my eyes at my sister. "I had my first shift when I was fourteen it was the first time a guy got close to raping me. Luckily he wasn't a rogue so I managed to slash his face."

"I really did think you were Dead." I said quietly, I couldn't help but pity my twin's life. I had been told that my mother had tried to abduct my sister and that my sister died as they tried to escape. "Darius told me you were dead." I whispered, realising as I said it that I hadn't actually questioned my father on that issue. I was five years old, but I just accepted it my father had told me Bethany was dead and so I accepted that without question. I could understand why, he didn't want to chase my mother; he had let her go as if they had found her. She would have been killed it was the only way it could go. If he had sent the boys to retrieve my sister he would have condemned my mother, his mate to death. So he did what he had to do, he mourned them, but held solace in the fact that they were alive somewhere. But obviously a little five year old couldn't be expected to understand that so he simplified.

"Sorry to disappoint." Beth said simply.

"How can I be disappointed with that you're my twin?" I said gently, my brain still foggy and slow from whatever they had sedated me with.

"Well keep that thought in your head princess." Beth said crouching down and opening a bag and huddling over it.

"Beth." Christian said, "Don't. Don't bother. We don't need to."

"This is my sister." Beth purred, "It's been fifteen years we need to catch up." She said I shrank back instinctively at the look in her eyes.

"Don't you lay a fucking finger on her." Zac snarled from across the room his chains clanking as he strained against them. I looked at him, his gaze was golden. Beth chuckled,

"Well he is infatuated isn't he. Doesn't he care about your dearly beloved Derek." She said, Zac growled and pulled hard on the chains.

"She is mine." He growled "Christian we agreed." Christian sighed,

"What the fuck does that mean?" I snapped at Zac who just squirmed under my gaze.

"Don't worry." Christian said draping a blanket around my shoulders, ignoring the growls of protest from his two fellows, even though the two of them had dropped back slightly their eyes were still running over every inch of me lazily. He brushed the hair back from my face smiling tenderly at me; it was so much like my brothers. "He wasn't in on this that's why he's chained up."

"Yeah he is in on it." Eric called,

"No he isn't." Christian said democratically pulling the blanket around me more securely.

"You two started the whole thing." Dan piped in and Christian rolled his eyes.

"What?" I snarled dividing my glares equally between Zac and Christian completely uninterested in the rest of the situation I was in.

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