Part 22

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Chapter 22

"You can leave it you know it wasn't an order and he won't know." Jamie said placidly from the sofa as I growled at the immense pile of ironing. Darius had decided that my attitude proved that I was fine. But of course being my alpha the attitude was not appreciated he was forced to continue to try and improve it. So since I had hung up the phone I had done the laundry, sorted the recycling, Dusted and hovered the entire flat, washed the dishes and cleaned the bathroom.

"He'll know if I lie." I grumbled hurriedly ironing Jamie's shirt. He shrugged and turned his attention back to the television. I took a swig of my vodka lemonade. Well actually it was pretty much vodka, but I couldn't help it the happy state I had been in a few hours ago where Derek had been completely absent from my thoughts was over he was now consuming them. Darius had assured me that he was alright but shape shifters had a hell of immune system and Derek was tough so I couldn't help but worry just a little, but I knew better than to try and contact him that wouldn't be appreciated. I took another swig I had learnt that alcohol really helped with those longing pangs I felt for Derek and strangely enough it seemed sex helped too, but it seemed Derek knew when I fucked someone which was a good thing to be aware of. "You know most people go to university and get away from there parents." I snarled as I ironed creases into the back of another of Jamie's shirt.

"Yeah but most people don't have our hierarchy and your smart mouth." He said with a small smile, I growled at him. "So your good moods evaporated then."

"Hmm maybe it's your effect." I said tying to control his jeans which were impossibly long.

"Weird though." he said thoughtfully fixing me with a piecing sort of glance. "Derek goes all funny the same day your stop pining for him."

"I'm not pining." I snapped before taking another swig, Damn I hated how perceptive he was.

"Jessica. How many nights have you gone to bed a hundred percent sober." He said with a significant glance at my glass. FUCK! He had obviously been paying a lot more attention than I realised but It was a good thing he didn't actually know how much I was drinking, as it was maybe a little too excessive but it did stop the pull, or whatever it was that urged me to go home. "I'm just saying." Jamie said gently.

"Well don't." I said slamming my iron down on the board.

"Oh so the good mood really is gone." He muttered.

"Don't you have homework to do or something?" I snapped as he lifted his feet to rest them on the coffee table.


"Well if you're going to hang around of course my good mood will be over." Jamie smiled,

"So did Darius analyse why you were in such a good mood?" he asked. I snorted

"He analysed everything!"

"ouch." He said placidly "but I thought he might he was quizzing me pretty well too."

"And what did you say?"

"Just that you were fine, you missed Derek... despite what you say." He snapped as he saw me open my mouth to snap a denial. "But that we expected that and you were actually doing pretty well. And the only thing today was that you were so happy, he seemed very interested in why you were in such a good mood though."


"I didn't tell him." He said softly.

"Didn't tell him what?" Jamie smiled,

"That your clothes are coated in someone else's scent."

"I was sparring." I gabbled, Jamie smiled

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