Part 36

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Chapter 36

My head snapped up as I heard a sharp rap on my office door my heart fluttered instinctively for just a second and then A caught a whiff of the scent beyond.

"Come in Darius." I called he walked sedately into the room.

"Here you go those reports you wanted." he said flinging a ragged pile of papers down on my desk. I looked up from my laptop and winced to see the disorganisation there especially as there appeared to be a banana peel in the middle. I sighed,

"You know I get this system up and in order again and it'll take nothing to maintain it." I said irritation clear in my voice. I had walked back to into my office when I returned to complete horror to see that all my cabinets were empty of just full of random paper shoved in haphazardly, while my desk and the floor were buried under sheets of paper.

"Ah don't bitch I pay you by the hour after all." Darius said lightly I smiled he was right and to be honest having the office to reorganize had been a god send that had kept me sane since Derek and all my boys had gone off hunting rogues. Thankfully it had given me an excuse and hiding place when Kate wanted to invite me to go shopping. It seemed that having a baby hadn't in any way dampened her enthusiasm for 'girly' pursuits.

"It seems like there are rather a lot of incidents in here." I said vaguely flicking through the random sheets of notes pausing to pull out the banana peel which I flung into the waste paper basket silently. "Have you heard from the boys yet?"

"I heard from Pete this morning."

"Are they done?" Darius sighed,

"Not yet."

"It nearly new years they've been gone nearly two weeks." I moaned they had in fact been gone over Christmas, but that wasn't as big as the fact that they had all missed the monthly meet. I didn't like the fact there had two months without a meet it made it seem like my families way of life was being destroyed as our meets were something I can remember occurring since before I can even remember. We did hold the December meet but it was short as there were so few of us there (all of the enforcers had been sent to hunt these rogues down), so we all knew that it was pointless and hence didn't have any inclination to pretend.

"They'll be fine." Darius said calmly "these rogues are just proving slippery "Derek and Pete are determined to catch them rather than just run them out of town."

"How many are there?" I asked I had asked these sorts of questions before and got no real response so I wasn't hopeful now I was just trying pester power.

"A few more than we are used to, They seem to be co-operating." He said awkwardly as he was still trying to dodge the issue.

"Is that why you sent Jamie to meet them straight from school?"

"Jamie wants to be an enforcer." Darius said calmly,

"But he isn't one he'll get hurt." I snapped

"He can't be your little pet forever Jessie especially as it seems like your spending all your attention on another wolf right now." He seemed as baffled as everyone by my 180 degree shift with Derek but thankfully didn't want to talk about it . I didn't want to discuss the idea of an open relationship with my father. I snorted and returned to flicking through the stack of papers now on my desk. "Pete thinks they should be back by the morning." He said calmly.

"That's what he said last week, and anyway soon me and Jay are going to have to go back to school."

"I know Jess believe me that's not an issue he just wants to be an enforcer so I'm trying to give him some field experience." he leaned over and kissed the top of my head "Don't worry about them they can take care of themselves and they'll die for each other."

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