Part 6

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Chapter 6

I sighed gently as from my awkward sort of half sleep I felt fingers lightly brushing through my hair.

"God I've missed you." A Voice growled next to my ear.

"mmmm." I murmured contently reluctant to wake up the rest of the way. "Welcome home Derek." I said groggily pressing my cheek into his hand which lingered there. I felt his warm breath brush across my face as he bent down to kiss the tip of my nose. "Is it like a mealtime or something? Do I have to get up." I said wearily though still without opening my eyes.

"Oh please don't." Derek said and I shifted slightly as the mattress moved as Derek's weight settled on it just behind me and I felt his limbs wrapping around me as he nuzzled into my neck pressing light kisses onto it. "It's late." He whispered "we've just got back."

"How did it go?" Derek gave a half snort of laughter,

"Well it's done." He mumbled snuggling in closer to me.

"Bad?" I whispered,

"They all are." he mumbled into my neck "it's necessary to protect the pack I know that but our justice it's brutal so it's something that should never be gloried in."

"I'm sorry." I whispered, Derek fisted his hands in my hair gently.

"Its okay." he said gently "because you're here. So its alright." He whispered "it doesn't seem so bad once I get back to you." I couldn't think of anything to say to that. I wanted to say something to make him feel better but I didn't want to lie to him as I didn't know what I could say, I mean what had happened on my birthday was fact I had lost my mind and for some reason I'd wanted him, And yes for some reason when I felt myself being to shift I'd for some reason come to Derek's room and laid on his bed (which cleverly Derek hadn't commented on). I couldn't say anything he wanted to hear right now I couldn't. All I could do is start arguing and he was so tired I couldn't do that. but thankfully I assumed I wasn't required to say anything, as Derek didn't say anything more he just cuddled into me so I just lay silently and after a few moments Derek's breathing slowed and deepened until he was snoring away softly next to me.

My eyes snapped open in complete darkness, a quick glance at Derek's bedside clock showed it was now 4:07 am.

"The middle of the night." I groaned lightly pulling my amethyst necklace from my pocket and hanging it back over my neck before collapsing back on the mattress knowing though it was no good I was awake now , hardly surprising as I had spent a large part of the afternoon asleep. As I collapsed back down Derek rolled over in his sleep slinging his arm carelessly across my chest. I lifted his arm gently and laid it down on the bed next to him. Derek shifted slightly in his sleep but didn't wake up. I leaned over and pushed a loose lock of hair back from his face wincing as I did so as my fingers felt a crusty residue on his face. I lifted my fingers to my nose and it was instantly confirmed to me, Derek was still coated in blood the blood of a shape shifter not one of ours it was the blood of that mutt they had killed. I pulled my hand down and rubbed it vigorously against my sweater trying desperately to rub the blood off. I knew this was the way our pack was our justice was swift and brutal, it was how we survived but I needed to get the blood off my hands. I pulled back the duvet and slid out of the bed, though I did snort indignantly as I realised that Derek had gotten into bed naked.

"That's called taking advantage of a situation." I said to my still snoring companion before I turned away and strode quickly from the boys house, though all the boys were still asleep I could instantly tell the difference the house moaned quietly. Light breaths and deep snored could be heard the boys gentle body heat could be felt. I smiled fondly as I pushed open the door and walked out into the dark cold October morning wincing slightly as my bare feet touched the cold flagstones and I hurried across the short distance to the den entering silently through the patio doors in to the silent kitchen.

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