Part 64

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Chapter 64

"Jessica . " Darius said gently, "Derek tells me that you're ready to talk." I nodded, "please sit." he said and I slid into a chair keeping my eyes down examining the cuffs wrapped around my wrists as if I found them captivating.

"Derek you can go."

"no." I said still keeping my eyes down , "please I can't confess twice and to be honest Derek will be listening at the door anyway."

"true." Darius said, "Fine." Derek sat in the chair next to him. I reached out and grasped his hand , he stroked his thumb across the side of my hand gently.

"I...I um I don't really know where to start um...I've done a lot you're not going to like."

"I'm shocked." Darius said in a deadpan voice I kept my eyes down and addressed my knees.

"ok um...well I have lied , blackmailed poor Jamie, hurt people turned Ash and... cheated on Derek...a lot." his hand gripped mine I chanced a glance at him, he was staring straight ahead and I could see the tension in his jaw he was trying to hold on to his temper." um...mainly with one guy.. his name was Zac. I met him what 6 months ago."

"Jess." Derek growled releasing my hand as he gripped the arms of the chair, "do we have to hear about this?"

"yeah you do, it's important. zac was...a ...I should have told you the second I met him but I was afraid you'd drag me home and I ...I needed to be there to be someone else for a while...but Zac Zac was..he was a rogue." I Flinched as aloud snap occurred beside me,

"Sorry." Derek muttered , I glanced his way and saw he had snapped the arms on the chair he was sitting on. Darius sighed

"a rogue." I nodded, "and you didn't tell us, and worse you let him stay in our land after hearing what rogues were doing here."

"he wasn't one of them." I said weakly.

"you were seeing him." Darius said diplomatically, I finally raised my eyes to him

"Let's call a spade a spade Dad I was fucking him. there was very little conversation, tenderness or emotion it was sex because I have a life where I am allowed Practically anything I wanted. Zac I wasn't allowed him so I fucking wanted him."

"Derek do you need to take a minute." Darius said calmly.

"I'm good." he said Robotically.

"did Jamie know?"

"not at first and I... I kind of blackmailed him." Darius sighed rubbing his forehead,

" with what?"


"Jessica the story is going to come out now." I spoke to my knees.

"the Girl Jamie thinks he's mated with."

"yes I've heard about her."

"she... she's fourteen."


"and I knew her and Jamie were sleeping together."

"he was afraid if you found out you'd bring him home and he wouldn't see her again."

"well that's exactly what I Would have done, fourteen complicates things."

"he loves her very much." I told my knees,

"well she's still fourteen, we will have to sort something out." I smiled of course they would."So please continue."

"well that was it for a while me and zac were infrequently sleeping together, I was drinking and experimenting more drugs than I should have. I had some I don't know what to call them drinking buddies I guess they...I after Pete I saw Derek tense ... when I went back I was completely broken for a few months I was in freefall self destructing and then I...I started to I broke up with Zac ad I knew my little holiday was coming to an end, but then I got a call from my drinking buddies looking for Zoe who had last been seen with Zac. I ...I went after him and it seems now that Ash was worried and followed me. Zac had Zoe he said there had been a incident and she'd seen him shift she'd got hysterical and he'd been forced to restrain her and he said we now had to kill her. I ...I know the rules I freaked out and shifted and he slit her throat and Ash was looking through the Window and saw that. I...I promise I didn't kill her but I didn't stop Zac. I..I know Ash knew and I couldn't...I couldn't hurt him I panicked he had a knife but I...I turned him."

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