Part 45

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Chapter 45

I shifted slowly as I drifted in that warm place between sleep and awake. I frowned as the situation which I could last recall tried to mesh with the gentle sheets I could feel wrapped around me the gentle warmth I was enveloped in. I stinging pain exploded in my left cheek, now that fitted. My eyes snapped open again in time to see Zac slap me again.

"Oh crap sorry." He muttered looking intensely awkward as I was temporally half blinded. "I just though you um... you've been out a while."

"yeah." I croaked trying to push myself up to sitting, very ungracefully. "Sorry getting shot always really takes it out of me." Zac smiled it was a dangerous sort of smile, the kind you could imagine getting from a tiger right before it tears into your neck.

"Here." He said holding out a can of red bull. I frowned at him. "I've done nothing to it. Scouts honour." He said raising his hands up I just thought after a shift and a you know gunshot wound you might appreciate the hit. I frowned but in honestly my hands were being to tremble so I snatched the can from him and looked vaguely at my surroundings. I was in a small room the only window of which looked out onto what appeared to be the inside of a warehouse. The room was painted that usual office colour of magnolia. I was sitting on a mattress on the bare wood floors wrapped in a thick duvet. A single overhead bald bulb glowed illuminating the small space. A large tatty backpack was propped up in the corner a tangled assortment of clothes spilling out of it. The only real piece of furniture was one of those metal set of shelves, which contained a few sets of clothes, a lamp, an assortment of paperbacks stacked higgledy-piggledy and a Spider plant. I frowned, this guy was rather interesting.

"Are you cold?" he asked I frowned at him and gently placed the can down on the floor next to me. "I can turn the heater up." He said gesturing at the small electric heater in the corner. I shook my head baffled by this apparent act of kindness after all I had to confess he was attractive because I couldn't shouldn't.

"Where are my clothes?" I asked he sighed as if disappointed,

"You know I barely looked when I was sorting you out." I growled, "I had to look a little." He said defensively I frowned at him. He flung the Duvet aside, I squealed and my hands flew up to cover myself. But Zac's eyes didn't linger on my naked body, they slid over my body of course but they didn't linger as he nodded significantly at my thigh. The upper portion of my left thigh was wrapped in a snow-white bandage, which I could see was holding a bundle of gaze pressed to the skin. My eyes swept across the floor following Zac's direction and I saw a small metal dish that contained a bundle of blood soaked cloth a needle and thread and what appeared to be a bullet. I know the idea of a rogue conducting a form of minor amateur surgery on me while I was unconscious should have disgusted me but we were wolves we were tough as well as being a rather closed society. So we had all at some point been forced to stitch ourselves and our brothers up, and I could tell by the level of blood that this wound hadn't been too deep so he just removed a bullet and stitched me back up- no biggie. After all, I had removed a bullet from Derek's shoulder when I was nine (although I had been the one who shot him). I turned my eyes back to Zac and my gaze narrowed threateningly as I realised his gaze had locked back onto my breasts. He smiled playfully and tucked me back under the thick duvet. I sighed and pulled the duvet up a little higher. Zac smiled playfully, pulled a bottle of tequila from behind him, and took a large swig. He held it out to me and I didn't even hesitate to take a generous swig from the bottle craving the sweet relief that came from temporarily disrupting my emotions.

"Well you know I wouldn't have needed sorting out if you hadn't shot me." He took the bottle from me with a vague smile,

"I wouldn't have needed to if you hadn't looked like you were planning to rip my throat out."

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