Part 65

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Chapter 65

I winced as grogginess began to recede and I slowly started to wake through today my brain and body both seemed reluctant for consciousness. It felt like I was lying on a damp gritty floor and every inch of me seemed to ache. I caught the light whiff of a scent floating in the air and felt myself calm, it was Roger I was with the pack. No a little voice whispered in the back of my mind it wasn't right not totally, but my sleep sodden brain couldn't rouse itself enough to puzzle this out. I inhaled another light scent, Zac. What on earth was Zac doing with my brothers? As if hearing my thoughts a voice suddenly spoke.

"I think she's coming round you now." There was a loud clatter and the light pounding of feet. "About fucking time." I felt my face slapped and not gently but still my body was too groggy to respond. "Nope how much was she given. You don't think this might be permanent do you?"

"Could be." Said a second voice indifferently. I vaguely knew that voice. "No bother though she'll serve your purpose eh Zac just may need a little more lube."

"Nah she'll be fine." A third voice said, "I was the one who shoved the needle in her ass there weren't that much . I mean she's bloody skinny but compared to all that other shit she's been pumping in her veins these past couple of months this stuffs bloody night nurse." There was a loud sigh,

"You guys are fucking useless." I heard myself say, now that was weird why would I have said that. "You want to get her up, give her some fucking incentive." I doubled over panting heavily as I was kicked hard in the stomach. "See." I heard my voice say, "She's coming round. Now get her up." Rough hands grabbed at me and tugged me up to sitting rough damp stone behind me was ground into my naked back. There was a vague clinking sound that I did recognize that was the sound of those manacles Darius used at the Den. My fogged brain had woken up enough to realise I wasn't at the Den. I tried to pull my eyes open as my brain worked through my fuzzy memories. Ashton, I bit Ashton. Derek, Derek I wanted him, but I had to... Derek, I needed to get... I went looking for Zac I had seen him in the trees watching me and Derek . I had to put an end to that I had to find Zac. He had to go. I found him, but no he wasn't there someone was but not him. My cheeks were slapped hard again. My eyes slowly did begin to slide open the world around me was fogged and fuzzy. But it appeared I was in some kind of disused factory or warehouse of some kind, but other than that, there was nothing to distinguish it from a million others. Not that I really expected some twelve-foot bloody neon sign telling me where I was being held.

"Halla bloody Luya." The familiar voice said nearby.

"Roger?" I said groggily.

"Guess again." he said smiling as his face began to come into better focus. Click on went the light bulb.

"Christian." I whispered, he smiled and pulled his sleeve back to expose his upper arm on which there was a large vivid burn obscuring his brand, our brand it was the price of expulsion you were no longer one of us. He leaned in to press a kiss on my forehead. I cringed at this simple gesture as it was so familiar. It was what my brothers did, well accept for Dean of course who tended to try and push his luck a little further. But of course Christian knew it that it had only been five years since he was exiled. It explained a lot like the scent I had detected stalking me, I knew it smelt familiar of course it would of he was Roger's brother they smelt a lot alike.

"You Okay princess?" a hoarse voice behind him asked I tore my eyes away from Christian to lock on to Zac. I narrowed my eyes and bared my teeth at him, but a second later I stopped and frowned Zac lifted his wrist and swung the chain significantly at me. I received a slap.

"I'm feeling neglected." Christian said in a singsong voice, "he's been playing with you for months. Now we want a turn." I turned back to Christian. There were three young men grouped in a sort of half semicircle around me. All were in there mid twenties and all were emitting the same subtle scent of a wolf. One of whom leaned in and burrowed his nose into my hair, I heard Zac snarl loudly,

"Oh relax mate before you give yourself a hernia." Christian called loudly,

"Besides he's not going to hurt her." the third wolf said stroking my leg which instantly swung out to kick his shin. "Not permanently anyway." He said slapping me as he grimaced. I smiled the slap hurt but I knew I'd hurt his leg too, so it was worth it.

"See Dan." I told you she had teeth Christian chuckled, the final wolf finally seemed finished with sniffing into my hair.

"Shit." He said collapsing back to sitting his eyes rolling back, "that is like the fucking best drug in the world. Oh my god are you sure we can't have in just a little." Zac snarled loudly across the room I could hear his chain clanking as he fought against them. But my attention was consumed by this wolf who was now attempting to grope me while I thrashed around kicked out and snarled at him.

"SHE IS MINE." Zac growled and snarled.

"Eric put her down." Christian said in a bored voice, Eric groaned as he finally managed to stroke my breast.

"But holy fuck she feels so good." He moaned,

"YOU SAID." Zac bellowed thrashing against his bonds, "SHE IS MINE."

"You can have her when were done." Eric purred,

"We won't break her, at the most she'll be a little dented." Dan said licking his lips,

"Fucking testosterone she's not that special you know." I heard my voice say, the boy's heads all turned Christian's expression slowly turned to one of pure worship. I followed the boys gaze reluctantly and instantly the world felt as if it had no air. I had barely responded to the chains, my lover bound to the wall, the fact that I had stripped and was now being groped, but this horrified me and I found myself shivering I curled myself up in the foetal position and slid in huddled against the wall.

"Well hello Jessica." She purred rubbing her hand absently through Christian's hair as she walked over to me and crouched down her dark eyes locked onto mine. She sighed and smiled at me, "you grew up to be beautiful didn't you. What has it been fifteen years?" she reached out and gently brushed her hand over my hair. "Oh I've missed you." she said softly.

"Bethany?" I whispered tentatively her name little more than a memory a dream of a dream, her face split open into a pretty smile, my smile.

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