Part 39

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Chapter 39

"Okay this is getting really weird now." I said as flopped down into my armchair "do you think she's like completely disappeared."

Ashton shrugged, and perched on the sofa

"I take the same classes as you." He said lightly,

"I know but it's been like three full days now and no one has told us jack, do you think she's like run off or something are we that scary?"

"You are." Ashton said with a smile, I nodded vaguely and growled at my mobile and carelessly flung it back in my bag.

"Big bad boyfriend?" Ashton asked as I slimed onto the arm propping my head up on my hand sleepily.

"He's bored." I said with a yawn curling my legs up under me, "they all got back two nights ago he doesn't seem to have anything to do she he's bugging me."

"And you don't want that?"

"No." I said slowly for some reason my irritation rising strongly. Ashton smiled completely unperturbed by the venom in my voice, although he averted his eyes and began fiddling with his watchstrap. "What." I snapped,

"Nothing." He said innocently but he kept his eyes down,

"I know you have something to say." I snapped. Ashton shook his head gently "will you just spit it out because this is even more annoying." I snarled, Ashton took a deep breath but kept his eyes down.

"I'm not really sure you want him to leave you alone." He said quietly.

"What."I snarled Ashton visibly flinched just a little at the clear threat in that single word. Ashton continued although his voice actually trembled just a little.

"I mean I've only met him once and he barely took his eyes off you, but when he did for just an instant and he looked at me." Ashton sighed "his eyes... hell he was sizing me up if I had looked like a challenge he would have torn me limb from limb." I bit my lip not knowing what to say especially as his deduction was a hundred percent right, if Ashton had been acting flirty or dominating in any way Derek would have torn his limbs off, but as it was Ashton clearly wasn't an alpha. "Intensity like that, he doesn't see himself as your ex. So I'm guessing your still sleeping with him." He stammered awkwardly.

"Oh we don't do much sleeping." I said savagely. Ashton lifted his eyes to mine,

"you know he doesnt see you as an ex and if you wanted him to you wouldnt still be sleeping with him seems like your giving him enough hope so he chases you,"

"I dont him to chase me , but its been so long I dont know what to feel if he stopped."

"Have you decided to become all caring and sharing because I wish you wouldn't." he said weakly. I laughed lightly,

"Jamie has abandoned me I've barely seen him since we got back I have to confide in someone." I said lightly. It was true I had a message from Jamie that morning which informed me he would be late home as he was working for the drama club after class. He had been doing that a lot as he was forbidden from dating Emily this was the only way he could see her and it sort of worked because he was happy and home in time to come get pissed with me. Although he spent most of the night lurking in his corner glaring intently at his mobile. Despite the fact that he and Emily had been forbidden to seeing each other, his intensity was in no way becoming dimmed. But to be honest I was getting kind of lonely being left alone so much like this but what could I do Jamie was in love. I was just really starting to miss my boys I don't know why it had taken so long to seriously hit me but now if felt like a constant stomachache.

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