Part 11

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Chapter 11

I walked hesitantly to Darius' study and knocked on the door so gently I wasn't entirely sure he could even hear it.

"What?" Darius said tensely, I took a deep breath and pushed the door open. Darius raised his eyes from the mounds of paper behind his desk, his hair tussled large black bags under his dark eyes he simply looked exhausted, but smiled a little as he saw me. I stepped over and set a small mug of coffee on his desk. "You look very nice." He said approvingly I sighed exasperated I was uncomfortable with any complements about me wearing a dress I have never been a girly girl but this was tradition, it was our meet this evening and so I was dressed In an ankle length elegant black strapless dress which clung to all my curves in what even I had to admit was an incredible way. It was strapless and I didn't have underwear on as it was tradition that we would shift during the meet so our clothing was selected to facilitate this as well as it could. The meets were assigned to the phases of the moon (so where around once a month) I'm not sure why really since the moon really didn't have any impact on us. Generally the meet just consisted of the entire pack amassing in a set location in our forest those who can will shift and we run, we run, we bay at the moon we hunt and we fall asleep curled up together on the forest floor. I always went as it was tradition but I'd never managed to shift at one before. That was our meet except if there was a 'trial', if we had a rogue to judge like tonight it was different. "But maybe you should change before the meet or you might be in danger of giving Derek heart failure." Darius continued oblivious to my wandering mind. I smiled, but it didn't go any further.

"I laid out you clothes for the meet." I said gently.

"I could have done that myself especially as your on compassionate leave from your housekeeping duties at the moment." (I was working though a three month sentence again but I couldn't really remember what for). I shrugged unable to actually explain why I had done this as after all I had to serve my sentence in the house because it was well known that I despised it.

"So what do you want Jessica?" Darius said leaning back in his chair picking up his coffee.

"It' ...its just." I stammered unable to believe how tentative I was. Darius didn't say anything he just raised his eyes to look at me placidly over his coffee showing no inclination what so ever to help me out. "It's been two days. I haven't told anyone...I...well I wondered... if you had though about... you know about me going to."

"I've thought about it." he said simply. I clenched my hands grabbing handfuls of my silk dress.

"And?" I prompted, Darius smiled

"I have thought about letting my only child go, my daughter the only female natural of our pack, who is eighteen and hasn't obtained her control and who I suspect only wants to leave to avoid having to deal with her boyfriend."

"Derek's not my boyfriend." I Said lamely have no idea what else to say to the rest.

"Where have you been the last two days?" He asked lightly,

"That's not the point he's ill right now I want to make sure he's ok."

"Bullshit." He snarled "forget lying to me Jessie I know how you feel about him."

"No you don't." I snorted "I don't even know."

"Why have you been sleeping with him?"

"I haven't." I babbled suddenly a stammering five year old, "I... promise we haven't done that yet...I mean...we ...I don't ... I... I mean we wont do that...err ever." Darius continued to look at me as passive as ever he clearly wasn't in any hurry to help me but he did gently speak at this point.

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