Part 43

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Chapter 43

"Oh little one." Roger said leaning through the window as Jamie pulled up in front of the den.

"Hey." I said breathlessly

"I love the hair." He said releasing me and gently stoking my spiral curls.

"Well don't get attached it's the work of a curling tong."

"Her boyfriends good with the curling tongs." Jamie interrupted,

"Okay that's disturbing on lots of levels." Roger said evenly "and a word to the wise don't let Derek hear you refer to your boyfriend even in a joke or he's gonna drive down to UCE and rip his arms off." but before I could explain Dean and Carl came rushing out into the rain grappling with each other to be the one who was going to be the one to open the door for me. Carl managed to get the door open but was suddenly elbowed out of the way by Dean who grabbed me around the waist and hauled me up onto his shoulder.

"Honey pot." He said sweetly patting my bum before carrying me away into the entrance hall. I sighed and relaxed in place not bothering to struggle he wouldn't have put me down anyway. Plus it was rather difficult move in this dress in was a long black halter neck that swept down to ankle length apparently elegantly. I had just picked it as I thought it made my legs look longer and more slender, but it didn't help me struggle as the skirt was far too tight to allow much in the way of movement." I missed that ass." He cooed I giggled and instantly felt myself being firmly placed on the floor as Dean cleared his throat noisily. I turned to follow his gaze across the hallway where they fell on Derek who was stood in the doorway leading to the basement. I could instantly see why Dean had put me down. Derek was stood stock still just looking at us his hair looked slightly dishevelled, there were spatters of blood across his skin and clothes but the thing that hit me was his eyes locked on me gold and intense. The overall effect was downright terrifying.

"So." Carl said brightly "are you guys staying?"

"Just for the meet." Jamie said from behind me I was only vaguely aware of his voice as my eyes were locked on Derek. His gaze left me for just a second flicking to the left as he gave a sad shake of his head before He turned solemnly and was walking away purposefully not looking at me. "We have to drive back tonight."

"That's hardly anything." Roger said solemnly as I rummaged in my bag pulling my cell phone out and answering it.

"What's up Ash?" I said fondly,

"The lights have gone out." He said in a panicked tone. Ashton had moved in with us a few days after our uninvited guest. It worked pretty well as me and Ash were together so much anyway and so this gave Jamie more freedom to engage in his 'drama club' activities, he really loved Emily how could I begrudge even a second that they spent together. It had lead to a few 'issues' for one the fact that we were in a two bedroom flat. Generally, Jamie and I shared a room, but we also had a camp bed that meant that we could shuffle our arrangements if any of us wanted any err...private times. But so far this provision had seemed unnecessary, as not only had we had no more visitors I hadn't even seen Zac since our incident in the laundrette. I wasn't sure really, how I felt about that, no that was a stupid thought I knew how I felt about it I was relieved it was a good thing. I sighed placidly,
"I'll pass you over to Jamie. And I'll see you tomorrow right."

"yeah." he said awkwardly, I could tell he still felt awkward in our flat but he was beginning to loosen up, and Him and Jamie got on like a house on fire.

"Jessica." Darius' voice boomed out I turned around and smiled as my dad strode towards us, I instantly knew who Derek had been gesturing too. I passed the phone to Jamie silently and walked over hugging my dad briefly, "You look lovely princess." He said holding me at arms length.

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