Part 9

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Chapter 9

2 months later

"Morning" I called as I strode into Andrew and Connie's kitchen where they were sitting at the kitchen table. Dean's parents smiled at me,

"Morning Jessica." Connie said your in a good mood, I shrugged,

"Its nice weather." I said beaming,

"Hmm." Andrew muttered non comittally, as I sat down at the table and took a swig of his coffee; Connie didn't have sugar-yuck!

"I'm guessing you want you post again." Connie said pushing herself up and walking over to the counter picking up a large stack of letters and deposited them in front of me as I stole half a slice of Andrews toast.

"Andrew." I said with a sigh waving the toast vaguely, "how many times do we have to have this conversation strawberry not raspberry jam."

"Well you make you own breakfast." he said plucking the toast from my hand, "you get to pick you own jam." I leaned over and bit a large chunk out of the toast he had in his hand.

"I'll deal with it." I said licking the jam from my fingertips as I flicked absently though the envelopes.

"I can see that." Andrew said putting the remains of his toast back on his plate as he pushed himself up taking his plate to the sink.

"So are you going to tell us what this newly developed obsession with the post is now?" Connie asked from across the kitchen where she was leaning against the counter smiling at me over the rim of her coffee cup.

"I'm just bored." I said with a sigh "I mean its such a long time since my shifts started and I was you know placed under house arrest, and though Darius lets me out now , a little. I don't have anywhere to go. I mean my job is keeping the records which I do at the house and it's boring." Connie smiled placidly,

"Maybe you should come get some work experience with me?" Connie suggested lightly, I grimaced at this idea.

"I can't think of a job that I'd be worse suited to." I said flatly (Connie was a primary school teacher though when we had a batch of young cubs she often provided day care for them). "As I think killing the kids wouldn't be approved of."

"It is frowned upon." I smiled as I pushed myself to my feet grabbing the stack of post.

"Don't worry about me I'll figure it out." I said with a smile "and until then the records beckon." I said letting myself out into the warm sunshine of Saturday morning and walking up the wide gravel driveway swinging my arms causally. I had been doing this walk nearly everyday for the past two months, it had been noticed of course but thankfully not questioned (except by Connie and Andrew of course). Even if I had been questioned it wouldn't have mattered, I was determined to intercept my post before anyone else could even notice it was there and thankfully so far I'd been rather successful. I sighed as the house came into view and I remembered the stack of work I had awaiting me back in the office. Despite what I said I actually quite liked my job well it filled the hours nicely anyway. I was working through all the records of the pack recording all the incidents involving mutts. All the previous alphas had done this but Darius though he had kept recording these accounts he tended to scribble a word or two on paper bags and the back of envelopes, which of course didn't lead to great records. I had found this out and for some reason I'd taken it upon myself to put these records into order, something Darius had been thrilled by and instantly appointed me to officially and wonderfully he had begun paying me a salary to do it.

"Jessica." Darius' voice sounded from the study as I walked into the entrance hall.

"yep." I said poking my head around the door.

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