Part 56

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Chapter 56

I woke up tangled in my sheets covered in sweat. Derek had already left leaving a sweet little note on my pillow. I pushed myself up feeling suffocated my room I pushed the window open wide it was so damn hot, a quick cold shower didn't help, so I gave up and just pulled on a vest top and a pair of cut of jean shorts pulled my hair up into a high ponytail and went downstairs hoping to find some breakfast I heard all the boys in the kitchen I walked in smiling .

"hey guys." they all turned to look at me and instantly the room went silent ."what?" I said as they all gaped at me. "what's wrong ?" I said looking from one to the other Jamie was sitting on the counter gripping the counter as he stared at me wide eyed. Dean was breathing heavily, Carl similarly was looking at me not blinking. "Guys your freaking me out now."

"Jessica."Darius' loud voice echoed across the entrance hall,

"yeah." I said turning away from my brothers who were still looking like they'd been stuffed, Darius walked into the room. "fuck." he snarled, that shocked me more than the guys sudden bout of muteness, "guys take a run." they didn't move "run now." he put so much alpha force behind that I felt my legs eager to go run Darius turned to me as the boys filed out.

"Jessica do you have the pepper spray I got you?" he asked as I ran my hands over my sweaty skin, I could feel the heat radiating out of my skin.

"what?" I squeaked,

"your pepper spray?"Darius insisted,

"It's upstairs."

"go and get it I don't want you anywhere without it." Darius said firmly.

"what? in the house." I said feeling totally wrong footed,

"yes. keep your pepper spray on your gun on you at all times till I say are you on birth control."

"dad." I said horrified, he rolled his eyes.

"are you?"

"yeah." I said quietly

"do you take it properly?"
"umm...most of the time."I admitted knowing I Was so much more committed to this action when I wasn't at home, here I don't know maybe because I felt safe. he groaned

"do you want a baby?"

" ," I admitted ," not now anyway."

"then take your fucking birth control, put some fucking clothes on stay in your room as much as you can and if one of the guys lays a fucking finger on you shoot them."

"what!" I squeaked , thrown completely by my dad's lack of control I never saw him like this, "what the fuck is going on ?"

"your in heat Jess,"


"slightly different for us as obviously your fertile like a normal human "

"eww dad."

"grow up Jessica. look I won't go into it but basically you are very fertile right now and your scent makes it very clear to the boys even Geoff and Andrew will smell it but they have a little more control than those Horney perverts. believe me the boys are going to struggle."

"they aren't like that with me not really we grew up together."

"not when they are using their brain Jess but they aren't right now your scent is very potent and it's just ...look they might not be's going to hard for them especially if your floating around dressed like that."Derek suddenly burst through the doors into the kitchen panting heavily as if he had run miles, his golden gaze locked on mine for a few seconds and then he grabbed he shoving me against the wall as he pressed our lips together hard too much passion too much heat especially considering my dad was right there but I wasn't going to stop it, I was suddenly so turned on. Derek lifted me up sliding his hands under my bum.

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