Part 13

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Chapter 13

Carl and Dean were lounging out in their living room their long forms stretched out as they played some ridiculous shoot em up game.

"Hey princess," Dean said without even looking over his shoulder.

"Hey" I said sitting down next to Carl who shuffled along the sofa to give me more room. "Have you Guys seen Derek?" Dean laughed,

"God princess you're lucky I have a good strong ego or I would be offended by this. I mean what was it three seconds before you were bored with us."

"We thought he was with you." Carl said his eyes intent on the screen. "I mean he was here this morning to get some clothes and then he left."

"And he smelt just like you." Dean put in though still not looking up from the TV screen, where it looked like the two of them were shooting zombies.

"Well thanks for all the help I guess I'll just go look." Carl waved vaguely but Dean didn't respond as I slowly walked outside. I squinted in the bight sunlight the second I emerged from the boy's house. A quick glance around showed that I was in fact alone, good as this was rather an embarrassing thing to be seen doing I slowly knelt and closed my eyes pressing my nose to the warm stone I slowly breathed in seeking out Derek's scent. A million mingled scent trails hit my nose I wasn't in wolf form so my sense of smell wasn't as acute but still I could still distinguish Dean, Carl, Roger and Jamie's scents. I swept my nose across the stone until I found Derek's freshest scent which still showed he'd been gone a few hours but it also showed me he was heading towards the trees. I jumped up to my feet and headed towards the woods I gave up following my nose as I didn't want to walk around with my nose pressed into the grass. So instead I just did what I did best as I got amongst the trees I broke into a slow rhythmic run. This steady pace where my only focus was on moving my limbs breathing steadily, this cleared my mind better than anything else. I kept my eyes open looking for Derek but I knew that if he was still here and if he was in wolf form I wouldn't find him. The wind whipped strands of hair that had worked free of my ponytail around my face, I stumbled to a stop.

"yuck." I muttered pulling the stray hairs from my mouth, and froze. I instantly dropped down to a crouch and began shuffling forward. The wind had again changed direction and had brought me the ghost of a scent. I couldn't see or hear anyone so that left one conclusion – I was being stalked. I shuffled forward again cursing the small noises the leaves under my feet crunched. I froze as whatever magical sort of sixth sense I had sensed a movement off into the trees. I held my breath eyes scanning the trees. Suddenly a huge dark grey wolf burst though the foliage knocking me off my feet, but I was already prepared and my legs were curled into my chest and I kicked hard into his chest it wasn't hard enough to usually have an effect but in this situation momentum carried him on and he flew several feet past me skidding on the foliage. I leapt up to my feet and before he could regain his footing I pounced colliding into his side knocking him over again which called him to slip and tumble down a small slope behind him. But as he slipped he snapped out and grabbed a mouthful of my jacket dragging me down with him and I rolled very ungracefully down the slope landing on my back at the bottom. The huge grey wolf obviously recovered more quickly and was instantly there his paws pinning me down.

"Fine you win." I said grumpily, he leaned down and licked my Cheek. "ew Derek that's gross." I squealed, Derek gave a sort of growl that I interpreted as a laugh, as I reached up to wipe my face. "I was looking for you." I said simply Derek put his head on one side as if considering me, "I need to talk to you." He kept his head on the side before he jumped back and walked into the tangle of bushes nearby. I pushed myself up to sitting and continued to brush my hand across my face still cringing, as the sounds of Derek's shifts filled the background.

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