Part 60

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Chapter 60

Two weeks later

"Jess?" Jamie asked lightly as I lay on the sofa in my bathrobe yawning widely. "Planning on going into school today?"

"No." I said simply "my brains dead. I think I killed it." Zac may have been out of my life for the moment but that didn't mean I had actually decided to behave. In fact, in the last two weeks I would have been surprised if I had spent twenty-five percent of my time in this world. The majority of the time I was either unconscious or in some drug or drink induced fog with Lauren, Amy and Zoe. Well they joined me in the drink-induced fog anyway but when the drugs started the generally flipped out and called Jamie. He hadn't threatened to take me home again, I think because he knew I wouldn't go if he tried I would just run away from him. He knew that he knew I wouldn't go home, that I couldn't go home not right now. So Jamie my poor Jamie was doing the only thing he could he was trying to protect me not stop me just look after me as I tried to self-destruct.

"You want some pancakes?" he asked lightly I smiled,

'Shouldn't you be going to school?" Jamie smiled and kissed my forehead,

"It's Sunday Princess I was just wondering if you knew that." I snorted at him,

"So where's Ashton?"

"He went on a date with that girl again last night."


"Yeah" he said with a beautiful smile,

"Do you know where my bag is I need some gum." I said pushing myself up to sitting. Jamie sighed and lobbed the small black bag onto the sofa. And I retrieved my purse and began rummaging through all the pockets in search of gum.

"I asked when we could meet her but he didn't seem that keen to be honest." I smiled

"Ring Darius." He said flinging the phone at me, "it's the meet in a week."

"Fuck." I muttered thinking of the track marks on my arm. "Jamie have you been in here?"

"In where your purse? Shockingly No why would I be in there?"

"Well I don't know that's why I'm asking."

"Why what's wrong?"

"The picture of me and Derek is missing."

"Are you sure?"

"Well I think I can tell the difference between it being there and not."

"Hmm that's odd.why were you looking for it?"

"I wasnt ." I lied "I just noticed." I said frowning as I dialled Darius number,

"Hello Princess." My father said answering on the second ring, he clearly was working.

"Hi." I said, "Sorry I forgot last night."

"Yes your doing that a lot." He said placidly.


"Jessie please don't try to explain your pissing Derek off so I'm guessing that I don't want to know what your up to and I'll just trust Jamie to keep you safe."

"There's a meet next week." I said gently,

"Yes." Darius said slowly. The first meet me and Jamie had skipped had actually been pretty much been Darius' idea. He had just called me the day I left and as soon as I mentioned the word meet he simply said that with me and Derek's feelings being so raw he wouldn't object if I chose to stay away and in fact he thought that maybe better for both of us. I hadn't needed any more encouragement. "I wont lie to you princess he's still very angry at you and very sad in himself."

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