Part 38

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Chapter 38

And as easily as that, we were back where we started. I was angry at Derek for trying to interfere in my life AGAIN. Converse Derek was adamant that he had been doing it for the right reason as was angry that I was refusing to talk to him especially as I had got what I wanted anyway. After my flouncing, I spotted Derek heading out to the forest clearly preparing to shift. So he was out in the forest sulking until the darkness fell. He appeared the next morning and hung around for hours talking to my door persistently insisting that I was 'being childish ' and that I couldn't avoid him forever. But it turned out I didn't need to as two days later, he Pete and Dean were all sent off to deal with an attack a short way off which sounded suspicious. This did allow me freedom from my room but Derek continued to pepper with text messages (I had been bought a new phone to replace the one he had thrown out of the car window) demanding that I talk to him as I kept rejecting his calls. But my only response was to text Dean and scold him for teaching Derek how to use his phone to text. Derek didn't much like technology he could barely work a kettle, it taken me weeks to teach him how to open an email. But actually a little part of me was glad for these constant messages as if I didn't have them I know I would have missed him a lot more than I currently was (Which was too much). The boy's absence though made for a pretty dull new year how you celebrate on your own. Kate tried to jolly us up of course like she had at Christmas determined to celebrate Lucas' first Christmas and his first new year despite the fact that her little boy slept through most of the festivities and didn't seem too much like being dressed up as a Christmas pudding. We had a meet the night before the boys left though so that was almost like our new year as on New Years Eve me, Jamie, Carl and Roger escaped from Kate as soon as we could and returned to the guys living room. So we could lounge out on their beanbags and spend the evening drinking bottled beer watching crappy sci-fi and throwing popcorn at each other. I smiled and joked with them all and tried to ignored that the sweater I had instinctively grabbed off the sofa feeling cold was Derek's.

We did leave on Sunday Carl and Roger coming with us to pacify Darius really more than to check out our parameter. We had settled in some pizza and beers but an irate Mrs Walker had turned up and thrown them out insisting we were to have 'no parties' and that she was being 'most reasonable considering my prior behaviour'. I think it was just the size and obvious bulk of all my boys, which scared her. Even though they had both been perfect gentlemen. both had stood when she entered the room, and Carl had hurried over to open to door for her as she left, she seemed to somehow see that as being made fun of but the boys honestly didn't think that way. They had always been taught to respect women, Even Dean. So the two of them respected Mrs Walkers wishes and left finding themselves somewhere secluded to shift and running around amongst the long twilight shadows noses to the ground as they frantically searched for even the vaguest trace of a threat which a phone call to us two hours later confirmed they hadn't as the two of them headed off. Roger said they were heading back to the den so I hung up on him and called Carl as Carl was even crapper at lying. He of course stammered and stuttered his way through a denial before I growled at him and he sighed gently confessing that they had been called by Darius to go help the others out. I hung up the phone unsure if that answer had actually made me feel better or worse, But I wasn't going to dwell on it . I didn't believe Derek's stupid theory that rogues were attacking the pack well not in the way he did anyway, All rogues were attacking the pack, but I was sure that I wasn't in danger and that Derek was just trying to get me home in whatever way was necessary. For all I knew Derek had requested assistance knowing that I would be able to wheedle that information out of Carl, I've always been able to be very persuasive. So I dug out my bottle of vodka and proceeded to subtly attempt to get drunk. Hoping that eventually this would mask the deep fear I was feeling for my Derek.

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