Part 29

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Chapter 29

"Little one? What the hell are you doing here? And what did you do to that window?" Roger squealed lifting himself up from under the bonnet of Pete's battered old Explorer, as I jumped out of the car in front of the den.

"Where's Darius?" I barked,

"Little one are you insane, Darius told you to stay at school, and where the hell is Jamie?" he asked leaning round to peer into the car behind me, "and who the hell is that on the back seat." I folded my arms,

"That's my mate Ashton."

"Is he unconscious?"


"OK I'm not human but I don't think that's normal?" he said blandly.

"He wouldn't get out of the car, he said in I couldn't drive in the state I was in I proved him wrong."

"And he passed out?"

"After I slipped him some GHB." I Said matter of factly,

"Oh." Roger said shrugging as if that cleared the whole matter up. "The window?" He asked, I shrugged

"Jamie is at school, he had the car I needed it so I took it."

"You hotwired it."

"Oh don't act shocked you taught me how to do that." I said as I strode up the steps towards the front door. "DARIUS." I shouted seeing his study was empty.

"Hey." Roger shouted "what am I supposed to do with sleeping beauty here?"

"Kiss him." I called

"Jessica Emily Mar."

"No time for all that." I snapped cutting of Darius' snarl.

"What the hell are you doing here I specifically told you to stay at school?" Darius snarled as he calmly strode out of the library.

"Hey Darius, what do you want me to do about her mate?"

"What?" Darius snapped as I flipped a hand casually.

"My Ashton is in the backseat of my car I drugged him with GHB about an hour ago." Darius growled,

"Where's Jamie?"


"Does he know where you are?"

"No." I said proudly "but he has been ringing for the past half an hour as that's when I should have reached home."

"Right." Darius said sternly "Roger Drive Jessie's car back .Ring Jamie and let him know what's happened and then leave her friend to sleep this off at her flat he shouldn't suffer any real adverse effects." He said wearily as I strode into his study and calmly sat myself down despite the fact that the adrenaline was wearing off now I was finally inactive my hands had begun to tremor and my legs were twitching.

"Jessie do you need time to shift?" Darius asked carefully noticing my twitching.

"No." I snapped forcing my legs to be still, this seemed so much easier than easing my emotions but I knew I had to try as that was the only way to fully repress my shift as did Darius so he sat behind his desk and simply sat quietly as I closed my eyes and focused on taking slow calming breaths. Eventually I did feel the twitches ease out as I actually found a calm point of view easier now I was here in Darius study. I opened my eyes and Looked at Darius who only seemed to take a few seconds to sense my gaze and raise his eyes to mine, closing the file in front of him which he had been pursuing. He looked at me sedately for a few moments; I didn't know what to say for some reason now I was here all my thoughts and protests simply refused to form a sense coherent thought.

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