Part 8

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Chapter 8

"Jessie will you please stop ignoring me I'm trying to apologise." Jamie wined as I pushed past him with a little more force than technically was needed. "You can't keep ignoring me forever." He said as I stuffed the large washing machine with another load of darks.

"Do you need me to do another English lit essay for you or something?" I asked my voice huffy as I stomped around him and began pulling the previous load out of the dryer. I had been serving my 'sentence' in the house for three days now, and three days of doing all the domestic type activities around our grounds was long enough to put me in a foul mood this is probably the reason that Darius sentenced me to working in the house and not in maintenance.

"I was just trying to help you." Jamie said he looked so much like a lost puppy that I couldn't help but feel all my anger vanish from me.

"I know." I said with a sigh kicking the basket of dry washing aside with my foot and loading the dryer again, "you know the amount of socks you boys get through its ridiculous. I've been at this for three days and I'm already having dreams about washing machines." Jamie chuckled I leaned over and ruffled his hair playfully "anyway maybe you had a point." Jamie frowned,

"Are you saying that I'm right?" he asked a wide beam suddenly spreading across his face,

"no." I said firmly absolutely no smile on my face now. "I just said MAYBE." I said the word slowly emphasising the word "you had a point."

"well can I maybe make another point?" he asked tentatively , I raised an eyebrow at him warningly but I didn't say anything, "maybe you need to talk to Derek, you've been avoiding him for three days now and so living with him is like living inside a hornets nest."

"Don't push your luck Jay." I said plainly picking up the basket and walking back into the hall.

"Hey Beautiful." Roger called as he strode in from the study wiping oil from his hands with a rag. "Have you seen Darius?"

"Oh dear what's wrong with it?" I asked wincing (Roger had been called to look over Darius' Bugatti). Roger smiled

"Nothing fatal. But I still better talk to him." I shrugged, "alright little one." He said leaning over to kiss the top of my head. Roger was a little older than the other boys and those few extra years seemed to make all the difference as he treated me more like a little sister than the others, who of course loved to flirt. "I'll look you go pair up you socks." He said this innocently yet still found a balled up pair of socks hitting him in the back of the head as he walked off.

"Do you want some company?" Jamie asked gently,

"no." I said plainly "it's your free time, go have some fun." He smiled,

"I have to go back to school next year you know that so in my free time I get to work on my assignments. So hanging out with you is fun."

"I'm not going to be you excuse to fail." I said playfully flicking his nose "you go to work and I'll pair up socks." Jamie leaned over and kissed my forehead (why was Derek the only one who didn't seem content with just that).I smiled at Jamie's retreating back before I sighed and wondered into the lounge flopping down on the floor cross legged. I tipped the basket upside down causing random items (Mainly socks to go spilling across the wooden floor). I began picking up socks at random scanning the pile for its partner. I managed five pairs before I was honestly gnashing my teeth in frustration, I growled pushing myself up on to my knees my eyes instantly widening as my gaze locked on Derek's MP3 which lay abandoned on the coffee table. I grabbed it and pushed the headphones in my ears as I flicked it on and instantly grimaced as the first song blared down my ears (Derek's taste in music in my opinion was terrible)I began skipping though the songs until I found one that was tolerable and settled back down to my socks.

I jumped about a foot clear in the air as a throat was cleared right next to my ear which I could clearly hear despite having music blaring from the MP3 Which I quickly tugged out of my ears.

"DEREK you scared the crap out of me." I snarled loudly, he straightened up smiling the type of smile I liked and so didn't want to see. "What do you want anyway?" I asked coldly my gaze instantly retuning to the socks which I began picking though with two much concentration to be entirely authentic.

"I was looking for my music have you possibly seen it?" he asked innocently, I flung the MP3 at him without even turning to see if he caught it. "Oh no this can't be it darling because you were just listening to this actually more than that you were singing along to it, and you can't be singing along to my songs my taste in music sucks remember."

"Desperate times I had nothing else." I snapped "and anyway I wasn't singing." Derek smiled,

"Yeah you were Sweetness."

"Go away I'm busy." I said sulkily. Derek chuckled,

"On matters of extreme importance I see." he said with a significant nod at the socks.

"Go away." I said though this time I was unable to stop the playful tone and its accompanying smile. "You're supposed to be building things with Andrew." Derek frowned but it was a playful imitation.

"You sound like your Dad." That earnt him a glare, "alright I'm going, I'm going just one thing first." I turned sharply to look at him.

"If you want to risk it." I said gently, he gave a brave smile as if saying it was worth it; of course it was he always considered everything he said thoroughly.

"Say you'll come to film night."

"I don't know." I Said uncertainly as I averted my gaze.

"Come on." He said couching down next to me, "Carl." He stopped clearly realising that what he was planning to say wasn't worth it "I mean, your talking to me now I just hate it when your avoiding me. I miss you." He said with a very good lost puppy look, which made me feel like a jerk.

"It's been three days." I persevered but with much less conviction than before.

"That's not what I mean and you know it." He said slowly, his fingers gently brushing my skin down to my brand before gently tracing the pattern, "I miss what we had before your shifts at first I thought things were." He sighed heavily shaking his head.

"I'll come but on one condition." He smiled,

"Name it." I smiled back at him,

"Carl doesn't get to pick the film." Derek beamed back at this.

"done." He said softly and before I could stop him he leaned over and pressed a swift kiss on my lips and he was up and gone before I could respond. Which was good as I didn't really know how to respond properly, so I found myself just gawping at midair before I returned to my socks gnashing my teeth.

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