Part 30

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Chapter 30

My own breathing was shockingly loud as I descended into our basement the plain stone box as creepy as everyone's basement but ours had the added disturbing dimension of the large silver cage. My heart began to ache in sympathy as soon as I spotted Derek just being there he was lying on the bed flat on his back lazily examining the ceiling although his eyes actually seemed to be looking right past it. Even though I knew he must have heard my approach he didn't move an inch. I sighed and walked slowly to the edge of the cage and sat myself down cross legged on the cold floor just a foot from the silver bars. I sighed heavily and placed the heavy file down on the floor keeping my eyes locked on Derek. I bit my lip he knew I was there and he just didn't fucking care.

"Hi." I said instantly wincing (I am such a loser sometimes).

"What the fuck are you doing here Jess?" he growled still not moving. I smiled he was pissed now I knew that I could deal with it.

"do you remember that time when I was fourteen and I had my first date?" that got his attention he suddenly sat up and looked at me totally puzzled , too thrown to remember to be pissed off. I smiled sadly "do you remember you were seventeen then do you remember?"

"What part?" He snapped but he knew what I meant even if he didn't understand why I smiled again placidly.

"The part in the afternoon what two hours before my first date? When you came and found me in the woods you were worried because I had been out there running for so long. Do you remember that?"

"Jess what are you talking about?" he snapped.

"You didn't want me to go I mean it was a first date which unshockingly wasn't followed by a second date but you still didn't want me to go but then when I talked to you." I smiled "you didn't want me to go but you still tried to help me."

The memory flooded into me as I saw myself at fourteen sitting sadly on a rock in the middle of the forest my body almost completely covered in mud.

"Hey beautiful." Derek said making me jump which I kicked myself for I didn't let the boys sneak up on me whatever superpowers they had which I didn't. "Done running."

"I stopped to tie my shoelace." I snapped.

"You're lying." Derek said in a singsong voice "this is your thinking spot. So" he said with a sigh flopping down next to me. "What are you thinking?"

"I'm trying to figure out who I love the most."

"Am I winning?" he asked with a smile.

"Well you were and you might be in the lead again if you go away and leave me alone."

"That's unfair baby I am the one trying to help you." He said in a slightly injured voice,

"Well stop and leave me alone I'm not going to discuss this particularly with you."
"Particularly me." He said slowly "so it's about a boy... so I'm guessing it has something to do with your date. You know you don't have to worry about it right, he hurts you we'll rip his hands off." I couldn't help but smile at this.

"I know I'm not worried about that."

"Then what? Come on its me." I sighed and was careful to avert my gaze from Derek whose eyes were intense on mine.

"I'm worried ...I...I'm worried he know ...want to kiss me." Derek laughed gently but not at me he placed a hand on my cheek gently using it to turn me to face him. His eyes flashed gold as he looked at me which to be honest made a bolt of fear shoot through me.

"Okay." He said gently smiling at me "lets deal with that."


"What is it your worried about?" I snorted

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