Part 57

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Chapter 57

I moaned through my thick veil of sleep as I felt gentle fingers brushing up my spine tickling me.

"I know your awake." A voice whispered playfully in my ear.

"No I'm not." I said stubbornly as a felt a thigh slip between mine. I purred as I felt a heavy erection press into the base of my spine.

"Oh that got your attention did it?" Derek muttered as he playfully scraped his teeth along my neck. I moaned and began to twist my hips around playfully Derek pressed a hand to my hip and dug his fingers in just a little.

"I'm stating to get used to waking up this way." I giggled Derek grabbed my shoulders and flung me back on the bed swiftly mounting me.

"well believe me I love waking you up like this , and I reckon if your up for it I'd be happy to this every morning for the next... what fifty, sixty years?"

"Is that all your offering?"

"Well if you behave I might extend the offer." He said playfully leaning over to nibble on my neck one hand stroking down to my hip while the other pressed into my breast. I giggled which turned to a curse as my phone began to buzz.

"No leave it." Derek moaned.

"It might be Uni or Ash." I said trying to wriggle out from under him; Derek groaned and collapsed his full body weight down on me. "Bully." I said as he reached over to the bedside table and picked up my phone.

"Someone better be dead." Derek growled by way of greeting.

"Oh um... I I was looking for Jessica." I Heard Amy's high girly voice down the phone.

"Yeah she's busy." Derek growled,

"Well is she coming back Ash said she was going home to visit her family."

"Yeah she is with her family were in mourning." Derek bit off the words.

"Oh oh I'm sorry." Amy said aghast.

"Why?" Derek said sounding generally curious "you didn't do it and you don't even know the guy who died."

"That's enough." I snapped.

"Well can you give her a message?"

"I could but I most likely wont bother." He said honestly, as I glared at him.

"Who is this?"

"I'm Jess' mate." He said, I growled at him he just smiled

"Mate?" Amy said sounding baffled. Derek sighed,

"Boyfriend." He said wearily,

"Oh ... Derek right." She said her voice sounding suddenly understanding.

"Yeah whatever." Derek said, "So in conclusion I'm Derek, Jess is here she's fine we are in mourning don't call back." Derek said snapping the phone shut cutting off the call he leaned over and dumped my phone in a glass of water.

"That's my phone...Again." I snapped,

"I'll buy you a new one." He said blandly he said moving back to begin kissing down my throat.

"No. I'm angry at you now." I moaned scoring his back with my nails, Derek bit his lip hard and arched his back with a groan.

"Mmmm. I'll have to work on that." he purred again nudging his leg between mine pressing his hard erection into my hip, and I found my fake resistance disappearing as I wrapped both my legs around his waist pulling him tightly into me as I bit down on his chest. It was scary to me how much of a routine that the two of us had gotten into over the past two weeks but there it was. We were acting like mates again. We had disposed of the rogues differently this time tearing them into hundreds of pieces, which we scattered around the town, as a warning to these two remaining rogues, which seemed to have worked as there had been no real activity from them since. The entire territory seemed to be quiet right now so Derek and I had little to do but lavish attention on each other, which of course we had been doing enthusiastically. Though it was fading I was still in heat really which made me very open to any kind of err...physical activity, but it did seem to be getting better the boys weren't looking at me as goggily eyed anyway. When me and Derek hadn't been otherwise occupied I had easily slipped back into my position in the pack spending time running in the woods with the boys, watching bad movies and eating pizza. All the time I was just strangely content to just be with my pack .Oh and of course I went back to immersing myself into the filing. The intent rogue activity had led to a lot of paperwork building up which of course none of the boys had thought to work on. Derek spent a good portion of the time I spent filing with Vivian he had neglected her severely after Pete's death and too be honest I wasn't one who tended to spend time with her if I didn't have to. So he spent the time alone with her. Apparently, she was getting more sociable though she did hang out with the boys occasionally, and her language was starting to improve. However unfortunately for her Kate had also taken a great interest in her and so Vivian was forced to spend whole days out, shopping and well that sort of stuff. We still mourned for Pete of course all of us were still dressed in black and we toasted a salute to him at every meal, this would be done until the next meet. Carl and Derek also went to his grave each night at sundown. It seemed Jamie sorted out my Absence from Uni and explained our absence to Ash who I spoke to a few times anyway. The University gave me two weeks leave for compassionate reasons. I knew that had run out but now the semester was currently over anyway so I had a few more weeks before I had to be back. But the thought of going back to Uni oddly didn't appeal too much right now, as I lay in bed with Derek his tongue-penetrating deep into my mouth, his fingers slipping in between my legs. I purred as Derek slid his fingers inside me, his deep probing made me twist my hips impatiently, eager for him.

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