Part 54

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Chapter 54

I awoke with a start. Next to me, Zac moaned and turned over trying to wrap his arms around me as I pulled myself off of the mattress and began seeking out my clothes.

"What you doing?" Zac said groggily pushing himself up to sitting as I gave up the search for my knickers and just went for pulling my jeans on instead.

"I've got to go." I said fumbling with my bra

"It's still early."

"No I... I have to get back."

"You have a bad dream?" Zac asked his face looking honestly curious as I perched on the edge of his mattress pulling on my trainers; he reached out and gently stroked my back.

"I don't think so." I said quietly as I leapt from his touch, as much from my disliking of his intimacy as from my terror of what I suspected had occurred.

"Look give me a minute and I'll come with you." Zac said pushing himself up I couldn't help it I smiled.

"you think I need a boy to look after me ." he smiled back but it was as if there was something behind this smile that I didn't like as if he knew something which I didn't .

"Not usually but you seem very rattled today." I snorted,

"If I'm right and something is wrong with my family you turning up is about the worst thing I could do." Zac nodded running a hand through his short golden locks.

"You really sure something's wrong." I picked up my bag and swung it onto my shoulder as I nodded. "What makes you so sure you have like a telepathic link with them all or something?"

"Just one of them." I said softly before I turned around and ran from the room and the building without a single backwards glance.

"Jamie, Jamie Jamie." I shouted running into his and Ashton's room switching the light on.

"Jess." He said sitting up slowly his face screwed up against the sudden light. "What's wrong?" He gabbled as I flung myself down next to his camp bed and yanked back his Duvet. "Jess are you insane?" my eyes quick assessment proved to myself that he wasn't hurt.

"sorry." I said giving him back the Duvet, "where's Ash?" I asked noting his empty bed.

"He had a date." Jamie yawned looking at the empty bed "I'm guessing it went well. Why are you here anyway?" he said as a raced back to the front room the landline showed no messages.

"Jess I know you are a girl." Jamie said appearing in the living room behind me puffy eyed and tousle haired wearing only a pair of black boxer shorts. "But I'm confused. What's going on?"

"Do we have any messages?"

"err no?"

"Have you spoken to Darius tonight?"

"yeah." he looked around for a clock "a few hours ago."

"And he was alright?"


"And everyone else?"

"He didn't say anything so I guess so." For the first time since I had awoken, I finally felt myself breathe. "Jessie whats wrong?" I shrugged,

"Nothing I just I had a bad dream I guess." Jamie just nodded

"okay." He said, "I'm just going to go back to bed. If your sure your okay." I nodded.

"Jay." I said as he reached the doorway he stopped and turned. "I know you don't like to any more but... could you could you you know stay with me." He smiled.

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