Part 16

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Chapter 16

I lay curled up silently on Derek's chest brushing my fingers gently down his arms which were wrapped around me. He was silent too but was pressing gentle kisses on the top of my head. I didn't know why we were both silent we just both seemed happier this way. I sighed contently as I ran my fingers across the almost invisible silvery scars on his skin. Unwanted images aced into my mind as I recalled the night he'd returned with those wounds. The night I had demanded a mini sort of strip tease from him in order to inspect the hideous collection of injuries given to him by a small group of rogues. My fingers travelled across his sweaty skin lightly gently caressing the multitude of scars I encountered. He had a rough job and hence a lot of scars plus we were wolves anyway, I had multiple scars too which I think in the course of that night had all been kissed. I stopped my fingers and began pressing several light butterfly kisses to his faded scars. This action seemed to rouse Derek as he removed one arm from around me to begin bushing his fingers through my hair. I smiled running my fingers gently over another injury on his upper arm but this wasn't healed and faded, it was red swollen and still bleeding gently this one was deep, Derek shuddered slightly under my gentle fingers.

"Sorry." I whispered,

"For prodding it or doing it in the first place?" he asked gently, I smiled and snuggled back into his chest. True I had scratched and bitten him harshly enough to draw blood but Derek hadn't exactly been gentle with me either I had a collection of marks to rival his. I licked the gentle trail of blood from his shoulder. This might not sound like everyone's idea of good sex but we were wolves we like to play rough. Our scratching and biting was simply a consequence of our intense desire for each other in that moment. So despite being a little sore and pained by all these small wounds I still couldn't help but sigh contently as Derek gently nuzzled into my hair. I knew he was perfectly content right now after all the only thing that he had ever wanted that he couldn't have was me and here I was the thing he had been pursuing for what seven years laid naked curled up on his chest. In this moment I loved him so much maybe not the way that he wanted not with the passionate intensity he had but then the level of closeness I felt towards him now how much love I felt for him it actually shocked me. Derek's hand slid down my arm to vaguely trace the brand on my wrist. Suddenly I giggled,

"Derek are you trying to kill me?" I muttered feeling his erection pressing into my hip. He laughed, it had been so long since I'd heard that sound I'd forgotten how much I loved to hear it.

"I can't help it." He said defensively squirming slightly under me. "I'm you know human, and male and your lying on top of me and your you know naked." I chuckled twisting slightly so I was lying on my stomach on top of him

"Do you want me to get dressed?"

"Oh god no." he said throatily his hands sliding down to my waist. I smiled which he returned "Jess." He whispered removing the chain from around his neck. "this is yours." He whispered hanging the long platinum chain over my neck causing the purple stone to be nestled between my breasts. I smiled looking down at the beautiful gem before I nestled down into him pressing a light kiss to his lips. I felt Derek's lips curl into a smile as he kissed me suddenly tightening his arms around me he rolled over and laid himself on top of me. I giggled and ran my hands through his hair my eyes locked on his golden gaze for just a moment before I pulled his lips down to mine, whatever lethargy we had felt moments before instantly banished by our sudden desire.

"I love you." I muttered into Derek's kiss "I love you so much."

I lifted my head of Derek's shoulder as there was a light tentative knock at his door.

"Err Dare...Derek." a hesitant voice whispered, "I um...Darius err. I was...I was sent to find Jess."

"Is everything alright Jamie?" I said gently saving him placing a calming hand on Derek's sweaty SHOULDER.

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