Part 10

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Chapter 10

I vaguely awoke as a pair of arms wrapped around me softly picking me up.

"It wasn't my idea." I mumbled thickly though my sleep. I heard a chuckle,

"I don't doubt that for a second sweetheart but I've left you in there as long as I could you need some rest."

"I was."

"Yes I know but you weren't supposed to be." Pete said lightly as he settled me down on something soft that I realised was my bed.

"Pete?" I said gently spurred on by the simple fact that I was still more asleep than awake. He didn't respond but I pushed on anyway sure he had heard me, "he'll be alight wont he?" Pete didn't answer perhaps thinking I was too asleep to notice and simply kissed me on the forehead closing the door softly behind him. That silence woke me like a cannon, and I felt rage pound through me. I forced down the changes before a shift even began to threaten and sat up my hand going to my bedside table moving as if by an instinct that I was powerless to repress. I tucked my small revolver inside the waistband of my jeans pulling my shirt down concealing it as I crept silently into the hallway. The whole house was silent and cold as I pattered as quietly as possible down the hallway again there was no reason for anyone to stop me, I had every reason to be out in the hallway at 5 am but I didn't want anyone to see me I didn't want to be stopped I wanted to get away before this irrational intense anger wore off. I in took a breath slowly and moved my way across the entrance hall before I quickly padded down the stairs hesitant as we didn't have successful captures of rogues very often so I wasn't sure what the security around the cage would be like but as my eyes adjusted to the dim non-light of the basement I saw that the room was in fact empty except for the large figure who was snoring loudly in the cage. The rage welled up even more intensely here he was perfectly content and asleep while my Derek was upstairs in that much pain bleeding unable to even know we were there, unable to put his arms around me and tell me it would be alight. I picked up a broom from the corner of the room and beat it hard against the bars. The snoring abruptly stopped as the rogue slowly pushed himself up to sitting. I hit the bars again the silver crashed loudly.

"Get your ass up." I snarled at the rogue who looked up and smiled at me in a leery sort of way.

"Are you my entertainment?" I snarled and beat the bars again.

"On your feet."

"Oooh bossy." He said mockingly but he did stand. He was probably in his late teens maybe twenty at a push he was about the same height as Derek though was a slighter build than most of the boys his head was as good as shaved and he had a degree of designer type stubble on his chin. He looked like the bad boy type dangerous that would no doubt make girls flock to him probably until they realized how dangerous he actually was. He smiled at me as my glare deepened. "Jessica right?" he said vaguely,

"How do you know my name?" I snapped shocked out of my rage by pure surprise, though the instant that I had muttered that I regretted it as obviously I had just confirmed his suspicions. He gave a sinister smile, clearly pleased with himself for shattering my calm exterior.

"The wolf I shot he muttered you name as he was bleeding to death." He hissed smiling as if from the sheer memory of it. "So what is he your mate? This pack you lot are so moral aren't you, you don't screw around. Or are you tempted to start screwing around? It is after all such a shame very young and pretty to be bound to one mate." I narrowed my eyes at him and smoothly drew the revolver from the waistband of my jeans and didn't even take aim before I could even think I shot him in the leg. He cried out and as his leg crumpled under him, I pointed it at him my hand completely steady.

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