Part 19

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Chapter 19

Obviously my last conscious thoughts were of Derek as when a dream blissfully entered my head it was of him. It Nothing remarkable he looked just like always my dark brooding little guardian angel who was lounging out on the sofa but his casual posture was some what ruined by the fact that I could see the muscle in his jaw twitching that was something he only did when he was very stressed out.

"Look mate." Dean's velvet smooth voice floated over as he leaned his chin on the back of the sofa. "You know what you need."

"Yeah." Derek growled "but I'm sure you'll disagree." Dean playfully patted his cheek,

"You need a little down time some R and R and I think I have the perfect diversion for you the names Tilly. Very hot little thing who loves the Dark brooding thing your doing so well right now."

"No thanks." Derek growled his hand gripping his larger tightly.

"Come on D you stay here much longer your gonna wear a permanent ass groove in the couch. You need a diversion and believe Tilly's rack is very diverting."

"Then you fuck her." Derek snarled spinning around his eyes burning intently as they locked on Dean's.

I groaned as my alarm clock beeped irritatingly dragging me reluctantly from my sleep. I leaned over and hit the snooze button, the most dangerous invention in the world.

"Do not press snooze." Jamie shouted through the thin wood, "You will oversleep and miss the start of the fresher's fair, induction thingy." I grumbled something indistinct under my breath as I pushed myself up out of bed.

I cursed indistinct things at Jamie until I was properly awake, but I had to grudging admit that he was completely right I was so lazy given half a chance. But as it was I made the 'freshers fair, induction thingy' on time with ease. The university was a huge sprawling campus that still smelt of mustiness from the abandonment of the summer overlaid by the tangy scent of bleach although soon this was further overlaid by the scent of warm excited bodies and way too many hormones! Most people moved around in tiny groups talking excitedly but the crowd still contained ample numbers of hesitant looking loners milling about looking as unsure as I felt. Especially as my sort of shape shifter instincts kicked in, we hated to be stuck in a crowd. our wolf instincts made us appreciate open spaces and being in a crowded hall where my tutors instructions were just to 'mingle' and 'have fun' was my idea of hell, as this sort of jostling totally invaded my personal space inducing my weird type of claustrophobia. As well as the combination of too much noise from all the newly acquired students and the old ones who were tying to entice us into something. I just wanted to be out of here but knew I had to stick around our tutor group was meeting in a couple hours. I flinched as another group of giggly girls pushed past jogging me. I growled and shuffled to the wall pulling Derek's MP3 player from my pocket switched it on and shoved the headphones in my ears the blaring rock music instantly and perfectly blocking the noise from the hall around me. I smiled to myself, grudgingly having to admit that Derek had been right well about the distancing anyway. People were still jostling me but the lack of excessive noise meant that ALL my senses weren't overwhelmed. I jumped as a beaming toothy smile appeared right in front of me. I leaned back as I could see it mouth moving but had no clue what this grin was saying. Leaning back I was able to see this grin was part of a young girl's face who had excessively blond hair and pale green eyes. She tapped on her ear repeatedly her eyes locked on mine as she determinedly blocked my route. I rolled my eyes and pulled both the headphones out.

"Hi." The grin said loudly as if meeting me was the most thrilling thing that had ever happened to her, "My Names Emma I'm a student representative for." I switched off and rubbed my forehead only actually taking in only one word in about five, but enough to understand the gist. It seemed that there was some sort of social function occurring in the student union bar and as the representative Emma was collecting up people who were wondering around alone minding their own business and taking them along. It apparently was a great 'networking opportunity', and Emma obviously emphatically believed that as she wouldn't take any of my subtle 'that sounds lovely but no' answers. Hence I fund myself being dragged to the student union bar with another five seemingly equally trapped victims. I vaguely wondered if it was worth just shooting her, If Darius found out he would be furious, he had told me the day that he gave me the 9mm revolver the ultimate rule was that the gun was to just protect myself in the very worst case scenario. Bringing it to our flat of course was fine, but I doubt Darius thought I was in mortal peril at the universities orientation day, maybe the pepper spray ? As we entered the bar my senses all endured another complete overload. "Here." Emma beamed shoving a questionnaire in my hands. "It's a sort of scavenger hunt you fill this in first and you win. Emma beamed and I weakly half returned the smile. "Adrian." She beamed leaping forward and grabbing a petrified looking guy around the shoulders snatching the Questionnaire from his hands "you haven't spoken to anyone since I left how do you expect to make friends."

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