Part 46

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Chapter 46

I ran down the dark street to the cross roads confident that I had weaved and twisted around enough from my starting point. I raised my nose and sniffed intently at the air for a few seconds until I became confident that there was nobody about. I shook my rain soaked hair out of my face and raised my head filling my lungs deeply. We weren't allowed to do this really but I needed to find Jamie. I lifted my head to the sky and I howled loudly. If he was out looking which I knew he was, he would hear this and know my voice as I would know any of my brother's voices. I called to him I was telling him where I was, there were clearly no complex messages in a howl but this was 'here I am'. There were also howls for distress, pain and anger as well as threats obviously. I listened intently but heard no reply not that I had really expected one but it still made me groan in exasperation. I crouched down gathering myself and then jumped up sprinting home at an intense speed.

I stumbled to a stop as I reached the end of my street and began fumbling in my pocket for my phone. I breathed a sigh as I saw Ashton's name flash up on the caller id.

"Ash baby are you alright?" I asked flipping the phone open,

"Yeah. Where are you?" he asked his voice clearly showed he was still freaked.

"I'm just two doors away." I said, smiling as I could hear Ashton sigh in pure relief. "Is Jamie there?"

"No." Ashton said my heart sunk "but he called a while ago I let the machine get it but he said he would be heading home."

"good." I said peering in behind the hedge outside our home and seeing the shirt and shorts were still in place Jamie wasn't here yet.

"You just had... your ... well um Derek called again um... I'm sorry." he gabbled as I opened the front door and began up the stairs.

"What are you sorry about?"

"Well I really made him mad the message he left wasn't nice." I smiled

"Derek isn't nice." I said brightly but inside my stomach was turning to a churning ball of acid I knew I couldn't listen to that message as I knew Derek and I know that all the 'not nice' things he had said he truly meant so I wasn't going to listen to them. Derek knew how to hurt me he was bloody good at it. I sighed and hung up the phone and put it in my pocket to allow me to get my keys out and open the door.

"Jess." Ashton said almost running at me. He came up short Pausing for a second frowning at me as if wondering if he should ask why my clothes had changed. I broke the remaining distance between us and flung my arms around Ashton hugging him in tight to me. As the situation, I was in finally hit me. If they wanted me to go home, if Jamie called Darius and told him what I'd been up too. If Darius ordered me home what could I do, but I knew one thing if I went home I would never see Ashton again and my sweet little friend in our short time together had become another brother. Ashton cleared his throat uncomfortably and patted me on the back a few time awkwardly. I giggled and let him go. "Jess what the hell..." was all he managed to say before Jamie burst through the door. Ashton and me jumped apart as though electrocuted.

"Jessica." Jamie snarled his eyes an intense burning gold the menace in his voice was something that completely through me as it didn't fit him it didn't fit my Jamie. He shouldn't look at me like that he didn't look at me like that, because for the first time in my life Jamie scared me. I froze as he advanced on me unable to look away. He gripped my upper arms in a vicelike grip biting into my already bruised flesh there. I tried not to wince or look away but an intense power was blasting out of Jamie and it was terrifying. "ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND." He snarled,


"WHAT THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN DOING. HOW LONG HAS THIS BEEN GOING ON? HAVE YOU THOUGHT ABOUT YOUR...." I shot a significant look at Ashton who was cowering back against the wall looking absolutely terrified, "your Family." He finished,

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