Part 51

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Chapter 51

Two months later

"Morning sunshine." Jamie called from the kitchen as I strode into the flat to the beautiful scent of bacon.

"Oh if your making a fry up I will love you forever." I said stepping into the kitchen; Jamie leaned over and kissed the top of my head.

"yuck." He muttered, "You smell. Go take a shower you smell and this lot will be done when you get back." I smiled at him,

"Where's Ashton?" I asked vaguely.

"School." Jamie said blandly flipping the bacon.

"Oh did we have a class already?" I asked flipping my sleeve back so I could see your watch.

"Yes." Jamie said slowly "and you would know that if you answered your phone once in a while when your with that mongrel." I smiled at Jamie as I snagged a piece of bacon from the frying pan slightly singed fingers were a small price to pay.

"So how was he?" Jamie asked politely, I just shrugged he didn't want to know and I didn't want to talk about Zac with a member of my pack. "Why is he still here any way? Shouldn't he be off... roaming by now?"


"You know what I mean." he said with a snort. I shrugged again,

"Says he doesn't have a reason to be anywhere else."

"Right." Jamie said non comittally

"What the hell does that mean?"

"Nothing." he said in a way that made him sound thoroughly tired. "By the way Darius called." He said pulling a pink post-it out of his pocket "and..." I groaned as soon as I saw the yellow post it (Ashton had instigated a colour coded phone message system apparently- don't you just love him!) the yellow posit it meant a call from Derek.

"Derek." I said snatching the posit it from his hand.

"Yeah he called...." Jamie said rummaging in his jeans pocket "erm... four times." He said passing me the small pile of post its.

"Great." I said As Jamie frowned and began retrieving his sausages from the grill. I shoved the post its back onto the wire rack and slid them back under the still hot grill.

"Jessie, I maybe wrong here... but did you just grill your phone messages."

"I know what they say." I snapped as thick black smoke pouring from the grill indicated that one or more of my phone messages was on fire. Jamie sighed and calmly pulled the grill out and dumped the flaming contents in the sink.

"well of course you do because you are here he is there and he's pissed about that and you're here with what's as close to being a boyfriend as you have ever had and keeping that a secret from him. So whenever we go to the meets Derek tries to act your fucking conjoined twin while you act like he has genital herpes or something." I smiled,

"god I missed you." I said gently. And how much had I missed him. It had been so much better recently though I had just asked him one thing – to trust my Judgement, which he had, stupid git. I didn't even trust my judgement any more as since the fire in the library I had received four more roses, two in our flat one on my desk and one left in my bag all of which contained a feather light lingering scent that smelled so vaguely familiar too me. but I refused to believe it was one of my pack, I couldn't believe that. "I'm going to go take that shower." I said lightly, tripping out of the room. Jamie was right of course. That was how I'd been behaving at both of the meets we had attended. Well how I had tried to behave anyway. The good thing about the meets were if you didn't want to talk to someone it was pretty easy not too I mean after all we shifted early and if you didn't want to talk you just didn't shift back. But for me this wasn't really difficult at the first meet, I drove so ensured we were late. But that really wasn't necessary as Derek turned up even later and then again he didn't shift as he hovered shooting concerned glances at Vivian who sat close by still looking terrified. the thing was he did try to talk before I went home but I just feigned deafness and left, but It seemed that this pissed him off as on the second meet he WANTED to talk, and easy especially as I had spent the past month skilfully avoiding his calls. The next meet actually didn't go that well probably as he knew what to expect from me. But I didn't get what I expected from him. Me and Jamie had arrived with a bit of a tight schedule but of course Derek was off with His little girl so was nowhere to be seen. I didn't comment on this but by the look Jamie and Derek both shot me they actually did hear the discrete growls I couldn't suppress as the two of them walked into the clearing. After Darius concluded, the meet Derek jumped back as though electrocuted and began hustling Vivian back to the den as the rest of the pack began to shift. I couldn't help but breathe with relief at this, as I wouldn't have been able to trust myself to shift with Vivian around. Being in wolf form tended to make my possessive instinct flare up and the last thing I wanted was for Derek to see me going for his new girlfriends pretty little throat. As it was I still bared my teeth and snarled slightly at her lingering trail but was able to tear my narrowed eyes away and bound of after my brothers. How long we played chased each other and wrestled, I don't know. But what I did know was that as we all curled up together and lay sedately in a warm furry ball, Derek suddenly strode into the clearing and reached down grabbing the scruff of my neck firmly and pulled me back out of the huddle. I growled instinctively at him, as the other boys instantly snapped their heads up narrowing their eyes at him but were holding back as he was Derek. Even in wolf form, I could tell their expressions were all that type of polite bewilderment. I snarled and snapped at him but Derek looked thoroughly under impressed. His grip tightened on my neck and he leaned down loser to me his eyes golden with intensity,

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