Part 42

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Chapter 42

The next day's apology between Jamie and me was an uncomfortable experience for the both of us. We basically just apologised for what we had both said Jamie more than me (as he was better at it than I was) but neither of us attempted to deal with the underlying issues. We both knew that this would have to happen one day as without it these issues would keep occurring but neither of us had the inclination to deal with it right now, so we just went for easing the situation. I generally avoided him the next day hanging out around the University campus with Ashton but he refused point blank to come back to the flat with me insisting he had no desire to be my human shield. Although I thought, it had something to do with him being a little scared to face Jamie after refusing to send me home. But on the plus side, it seemed that me spending the night in his room had really relaxed Ashton. I knew he had intended to stay until I calmed down and then go sleep on the sofa but instead the two of us had both fallen asleep curled up together under his duvet. I had woken up with the dawn my head resting on Ashton's warm chest my nose full of the scent of him. It was a pleasant way to wake up. This type of awakening could have mortified Ashton but as it was, it seemed to somehow convince him finally that I wasn't taking the piss out of him.

"I'm sorry I ruined your...drama club meeting." I said as I arrived back home. Jamie gave a small fake smile,

"That's okay." He said smiling "but if you run off and scare me like that again I will have to catch you and kick you ass whatever Darius would say about that." I smiled back at him.

"Can you catch up with what you missed at Drama club tonight?" He smiled a little this was honest.


"Right well I'm going to go to a kick class and then I'm going to do some laundry on the way back. Of course after I've eaten that steak your going to make me. So I'll be out for a few hours no need to worry about me tonight."

"I don't think I'm taking proper care of you any more." Jamie said gently.

"Of course you are you force yourself to endure every night out with the girls which you hate. Your just realising were not in danger here and that I'm not made of glass. Nobody knows that were here they aren't looking for us. Your doing everything I need you to just by being here." I said quietly,

"Rare?" he said with a sigh.

"Oh I love you." I purred.

The Laundrette was hot and stuffy as I sat on one of the multiple plastic seats trying to settle myself enough to pursue the book I had brought but it was awful some contrived paranormal romance that Lauren had leant me. The large laundrette nearest to our house that was open in the evenings was empty save for me. The steamed up single glazed windows obscured all but the glow of a streetlight from outside. A fuzzy television set high up on the wall in a cage showed a snowy version of some soap opera that kept flicking in and out of focus. I sighed and through the book down on the plastic seat next to me walking over to the beeping Dryer and pulling it open. A draft washed over my back as I tried to peel apart two pairs of my lacy knickers that had twisted themselves together in the drier.

"hmm." A purr drifted across the room, which made me freeze for a second in terror before I shook my head and didn't even look back I just continued to retrieve the various items from inside the drier flinging them into my basket. "A princess doing Laundry now that's a sight you don't see everyday."

"Isaac." I said firmly turning around to face him. He smiled at me and something inside me awoke. He was again wearing all black he looked like trouble; his black eyes were instantly shot with gold as they locked on me.

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