Part 18

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Chapter 18

I quickly awoke with a gasp as my sleep fogged state registered the unfamiliar building around me. It took maybe a second to remember what had happened and where I was at which point the pain in my neck screamed at me. It seems I'd fallen asleep on the sofa where me and Jamie had sat curled up after our pizza. I dug the heels on my hands roughly into my crusty eyes before my nose twitched and I jumped up beaming. Jamie smiled at me through the large hatch though to the kitchen.

"Ha ha my evil plan to wake up worked." He said in a mock villain voice,

"Pancakes are Evil?" I said walking over to lean on the hatch,

"Not evil maybe but disappointing I had to go the shop this morning and they didn't have any blueberries." I pouted for a second before I beamed playfully at him,

"Is there any maple syrup?" he smiled at me,

"Would I make you pancakes if there wasn't?" I jumped up leaning through the hatch to kiss Jamie playfully on the cheek. "So what's the plan for today?" he asked passing me a heaped plate of pancakes and a small glass bottle of Syrup. I shrugged,

"Acclimatising I suppose." I said settling the plate on the coffee table sitting myself down on the sofa, "how long before you start school?"

"Six days." he said winkling his nose in distaste. it was clear to everyone that Jamie was done with his formal education but Darius was an alpha who was very insistent that formal education was important as it gave opportunities in the wider world which was important if we were to survive we cant be totally self contained. Jamie was still insistent that he wanted to serve the pack as an enforcer but Darius had insisted that Jamie must at least finish his GCSE's first so actually this situation was pretty much win win for Jamie he was sort of an enforcer as well as finishing his mandatory schooling although it did require him to be away from the pack which I knew would be hard.

"Why do they start a new term on a Thursday?" Jamie shrugged,

"How long till your at University?"

"There's a registration induction thing in two weeks. What the hell I am going to do by myself for eight days?" Jamie smiled,

"Learn to cook your own pancakes?" he suggested with a light smile.

The next two weeks were actually a very sharp learning curve for me more than Jamie as I'd never lived without the pack, yet I could see that he was still struggling with the change too. The first two or three days me and Jamie spent exploring our new neighbourhood that basically meant finding out the location of our nearest supermarket, bank, coffee shop etc, And after that we began buying a variety of junk to make our flat look less like a box. Basically though I knew what we were trying to do we were just trying to kill time. we had agreed with Darius to call home everyday, I called on Monday, Wednesday Fridays and Jamie called Tuesday, Thursday ,Saturday and Sundays despite the fact that these only had t be two minutes checking in type calls they had actually rapidly become hour long deep and meaningful talks about nothing. As well as the fact that I also both spent large sessions of the day emailing the pack or chatting online with Carl or being pestered for cybersex by Dean ("he is unbelievable." Jamie commented reading over my shoulder "a couple hundred miles isn't going to stand in the way of him getting laid.")I wasn't sure if this constant contact with the pack made me feel better or worse but I missed them all so much I couldn't contemplate doing anything else. But there was one thing that I couldn't get any help with however much I wanted – Derek was yet again sulking. He seemed to be the one who was constantly avoiding my calls, never answering the house phone or his mobile never popping up in the background with a smart ass comment. I had emailed him of course the day we had arrived, but the next day on the phone Darius asked me very nicely to not do that any more. Apparently Derek didn't seem to take my email in the spirit that it had been sent or he did and didn't like the sentiment either way when Derek had read his email he had erm....thrown the laptop across the lounge smashing it against the far wall and according to Darius that made it a very expensive email one that Derek wouldn't be able to afford if I persisted doing this every few days. According to Carl Derek had become prone to throwing things since I'd left. According to Dean Living with him was currently 'like living with ten bitches with sever PMT.' as a few days melted into a week the amount that I missed the pack hadn't diminished at all it was still a constant pain gnawing away at my insides. But Derek the way I missed him I can't even think of how to describe it, so I'll compare him to chocolate. Even the most intent chocoholic doesn't crave chocolate all the time but if there's some in the fridge we may think a little nibble maybe in order, but we don't necessarily want it all the time. although when a girl gets chocolate pangs nothing else will do and for some reason that always occurs when you have none in the cupboard, and as you try to wait it out all that happens is that it just gets worse and worse because you have to have chocolate nothing else will scratch the itch and stop you from thinking bout it. Now replace the word chocolate with Derek and imagine that chocolate pangs are eternal and that you're in a country that doesn't permit chocolate. which ,makes it worse if chocolate didn't exist you would never know what you were missing but in this hideous world I knew chocolate and I knew where it was an I knew I could have it if I wanted . I could remember how it smelt and I could remember so clearly how it tasted and I wanted it constantly. Derek dominated my thoughts day and night I was caving him and it was just getting worse everyday. I mean I had missed him when he went hunting rogues and hell since I'd started shifting it had got worse and I'd only been away from him for five days at the longest and it was unbearable. He was all I could think about and he was everything I wanted right now AND I FUCKING HATED IT.

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