Part 32

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Chapter 32

I sighed heavily and took another swig directly from my bottle of Tequila. I sagged on the floor slightly my blurry gaze locked on Jamie's mobile phone which was in front of me on our glass topped coffee table. I bit my lip eyeing the phone nervously as if I was expecting it to suddenly explode or something. Jamie had left about an hour ago for his first class and I'd asked to borrow his phone. Sensibly he hadn't chosen to question this request, he'd just placed his phone on the coffee table and silently taken mine instead kissing me on the forehead before he left.

"Come on Jess just do it." I said sternly to myself taking another swig of tequila. I grabbed the phone and not pausing to think as if I paused I would loose my nerve in a second I had pressed speed dial four and jammed the phone to my ear. I bit my lip my nerve rapidly disappearing but after two rings the phone was silently answered. I exhaled but didn't say anything and neither did he. Stupid half formed sentences rushed through my mind but instantly dismissed all of them. I heard a growl down the line.

"Jess are you going to say anything or should I just hang up on you?" Derek snarled. I desperately tried to think of something but found flashes of brilliance highly elusive as they always are when you really want them. I didn't have the faintest idea where to begin. Derek growled lightly and the call disconnected .I snarled took another swig of tequila and instantly dialled him back.

"You don't get to hang up on me." I snarled the second the phone was answered.

"Oh so your talking to me now." he said with an air of surprise.

"Well I'm sorry but I was actually finding this slightly uncomfortable unlike you obviously."

"So that's why you're calling me on Jay's phone to surprise me because you think I'd be too uncomfortable talking to you."

"I called on Jamie's phone because I thought you might be dodging me as you're ashamed of yourself." I snapped.

"Well that's a theory." He said mildly "and please enlighten me what am I ashamed about."

"You know." I snapped refusing to play his game.
"Well obviously I don't my darling because I asked." He said calmly

"Maybe it has something to do with the fact that you spent last night fucking some cheap slag."

"Her names Julie." Derek said innocently.

"So you're not even denying it?"

"Well is there any point if you know?"I snarled

"you knew it would hurt me and you just didn't fucking care."

"Oh I cared Darling." he said his voice husky and seductive. "But of course you were trying to hurt me weren't you when you were fucking some random guy in the gym. I thought you might appreciate ....reciprocation. Which spells out how it feels when the one you're bound to decides to forsake you to become a slut."

"I didn't know it would hurt you." I moaned,

"you did just you didn't realise it would be physical and it isn't it, doesn't it hurt."

"You should stop calling me a slut." I said gently "because if you keep calling me one maybe I'll choose to just start behaving like one." There was a mirthless chuckle down the line,

"I don't think I'd notice any difference darling."

"You're a whinny self obsessed ass."

"And you're a hypocritical slut. I guess that's why were such a great pair huh?" He said a smile clear in his voice. Which I responded to by hanging up and flinging Jamie's mobile across the room cringing as I heard the multiple tiny pieces of metal raining down onto the carpet.

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