Part 53

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Chapter 53

I stood in a town no a city smelly dirty streets surrounded me it was dark but the infrequent still functioning occasional streetlight illuminated what was clearly a dying industrial region. I stood in an alley way which was half filled with rotting black bin bags of trash, which filled the air with a heavy sickly sweet smell particularly offending my overly sensitive wolf nose. As I watched this scene, I was all too aware of another smell, wolves. Then had been down this way only instants before. Instinctively I bared my teeth as something inside me the wolf inside me wanted to drive those invaders out, tear them apart. Pete appeared at my side irritatingly cautious as his nose was pressed to the path at his toes. I began to growl and I noticed vaguely that the large bloody wound behind my front leg was bleeding again the rich thick smell mingling with the sickly sweet scent of the alley. It made me think of all the blood they had spilled all the people they had mutilated that pretty little girl who looked so like my mate, the urge to seek blood became stronger. Pete's eyes swung to mine after so long of hunting together the communications between us had become almost instinctive. I growled in frustration wanting too chase these rogues they were getting away but Pete was in command so all I could do was hint I padded a few paces forward. Pete swung his head round and growled firmly, shaking his head in an awkward kind of head shake. I barked in pure frustration as Pete's eyes narrowed on the alley ahead his cool demeanour sizing up the situation where as I wanted to race after the fuckers and tear them apart. Pete narrowed his eyes and then seemed to come to a conclusion and with a snort he began quickly down the alley, I bounded out beside him knowing that unfortunately I was positively quivering in anticipation like a cub on his first run. We followed the thick trail through the alleys. It was very direct and clear surprisingly so. My Eyes suddenly took in a wolf form that appeared before me. A single sniff confirmed my brother. Dean was stood at an intersection in front of us. That wasn't good, we had split the rogues and Dean and Carl had gone after a single one while we had chanced the other two it seemed they had reconfigured. Pete growled a second later, I realised why there were more than three rogues in the scent trail the others were older trails patchy but they were there. Fuck how many rogues were in this little group. Dean jerked his head in one direction clearly after his trail. But Pete shook his head his eyes narrowing as he looked on the alley came to an end in a few feet opening into an abandoned lot. The scents of the rogues clearly led across this vacant lot the fresh trails anyway the staler trails criss-crossed around Damn they had led us here for a reason. Pete for good reason now seemed wary exposed land it seemed made him wary where it wasn't our patch .It might be our territory but this was their land. Carl had clearly followed the labyrinth of alleys on to the right if my wolf instincts were correct to ensure there was no escape to the sides and also no threat from there. If this was land, they knew it was safer to be sure. Pete Growled and gave a vague sort of nod before he sprinted down the half-existing path to the left. Something wasn't right I didn't like the way it felt here I didn't like the way it felt but I knew neither did my brothers and anyway what else could we do what three four rogues against five pack wolves. I ran with Dean into the vacant lot gravel in the long grass biting into my pads, as did the broken glass shards. I suddenly stopped the trail confusing me it couldn't be. I lifted my head and barked to get Dean's attention as Dean came alongside him his eyes widened as if in comprehension. I shook my head convincing myself I had misunderstood I went back to the trail it had swept off leading too the sides as if they had sprinted towards the barded wire fence. Suddenly Pete came flying into the lot pursuing a ragged looking grey wolf .Dean and I instantly forgot the puzzling trail and turned to pounce on our prey sinking our teeth deep into the Wolf trying to force him to submit while the rogue twisted and thrashed attempting to bite. I sank my teeth into his neck deeply tasting blood as he squirmed and twisted beneath us. Not surprising they always did wanting us to kill them quick rather than facing the pack but we couldn't kill him we needed information. The simple thought of that made my stomach churn. Suddenly I heard a loud wine Carl. Pete stiffened looking around instinctively I turned by head around seeking out my brother just in time to see the gun for a second before the shot exploded into the night. My brain only vaguely began to register what had happened to us before I felt a deep pain tearing through me.

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