Part 62

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Chapter 62

How I managed to force my body through that next shift back to human form again I'll never now but somehow I did. And it was one of the quickest transitions I had ever experienced it was as if both my forms were equally desperate to put me into a position where I could help to heal the problem I had caused. As soon as my body regained human form, I didn't even take a moment to regain my breath. Instead I immediately rushed to Ashton who was twitching around through a violent set of convulsions.

"Ash honey." I said desperately his skin was burning and was slick with sweat.

"Jessie." He half groaned half cried.

"yeah." I said breathlessly, overjoyed.

"I'm dying." He groaned,

"No." I whispered, "It's the transition sweetheart, your changing."

"Hurts." He said folding himself up in pain.

"I know." I said reassuringly stroking his cheek "but you'll be okay. I promise." Ashton cried out in a scream and rolled over clutching at his chest. Without pausing for a second thought, I pulled off his coat Ashton just followed my light directions though I could see how much pain he was in. I pulled the coat on around my naked form. And retrieving his stray knife I cut his shirt off and peeled away the fabric, which was already wet with sweat. I tore this thin fabric into strips to form a makeshift bandage at his neck. The wound wasn't bleeding too badly I had been careful but of course, it was still worse than I would have really liked. I wasn't a medic and we had a long way to go. i took a moment to wad up a pad of fabric that i bound to the knife wound in my shoulder and another long gash along my chest, neither would kill me but it still bloody hurt. "It's okay Ash." I whispered comfortingly as I reached down into Ashton's pocket and retrieved a set of keys dragging Ashton's dead weight over to what I knew from my sense of smell was Ally's car. "It's going to be okay." I whispered as I heaved Ashton who had to be honest had now all but completely lost consciousness. I dragged him over to the car and flung him on the back seat. "It'll be alright Ash." I whispered leaning over to brush a hand across his sweaty hair. "I know this isn't nice. But you'll live through it, I did." I got no response from that but not that I expected one so I ran around to the driver's seat and within minutes, we were racing through the narrow roads heading at a devastating speed towards the last place in the world I wanted to go, but the one place Ashton needed to be we were going home.

I had gotten away with my previous sprint home in just over two hours, so I repeated this action more than doubling the speed limit on the majority of the roads. Ashton went through periods of screaming during which he thrashed and flayed, and periods of unconsciousness but to be honest I found the long periods of silence and stillness more discomforting when he was screaming he was in pain being in pain meant you were alive. But the fact that I didn't even slow to tend to him meant that I felt very unsettled. In the pack a transition period was intense we were protected and pampered cared for at every second and here was Ashton flung on the back seat of a borrowed car. Ashton wasn't going to die though I wouldn't let him. You could die in transition when an individual's body rejected the shifts, but that was rare and that was why I'd bitten Ashton. He couldn't live knowing our secrets but I couldnt kill him, but I had still bitten him, and that meant exactly what the fairy stories suggested, he was shifting he was becoming one of us. He had hated his life anyway not feeling he belonged, as far as I was concerned he was already my brother. The pack would accept him, if he accepted them but as for me, I knew that this was going to be a problem. The deep gashes that Aston had cut into my skin were still bleeding, I hadn't bothered to tend to them any further they weren't important Ashton was important they were minor inconveniences but I was aware of them enough to realise that eventually the blood loss might be a danger to me but for now I'd be fine wolves were tough. I slowed slightly and my eyes flicked to the rear view mirror as Ashton began to thrash around, but he wasn't screaming this time he was vomiting loudly. I bit my lip hating myself. my nose picked up a scent that was wrong, I widened my eyes sighed and pulled into a lay-by I was driving past. I fumbled with the door and clumsily dragged Ashton out and lay him on the grass verge on his side where he continued to throw up even in the fresh air the scent of his blood mingled thickly with the vomit.

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