Part 17

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Chapter 17

About halfway into our trip Dean called Darius to Request a 'piss stop' but it honestly was because he was hungry and obviously Darius was too as he didn't protest and pulled In to the next motorway service station. I bit my lip and took a deep breath I just hoped this wouldn't prove to be a mistake I followed Kate into the Woman's restroom.

"Kate?" I said as we stood in front of the sinks, Kate rubbing her hand over her swollen belly as she had taken to doing since she found out she was pregnant with her first child. She was three months pregnant but our pregnancies were generally only around four or five months so her bump was one appropriate for one who was about six months pregnant.

"Hmmm." She said distractedly,

"How did you know?" Kate frowned at me clearly not understanding which made me grimace I wished I didn't have to elaborate, "You know Geoff how did you know?" she smiled,

"Having second thoughts?"

"No." I snapped defensively.

"Well maybe you should." She said gently as she stroked he stroked her belly "well ...I don't know. I mean any natural would be better to ask they feel the bond I don't. So there was no proof just a feeling and a hope. I knew that I didn't want to live without him, I didn't want to even live in a world that didn't have him in it so I took the leap of faith and I may not feel the innate bond that Geoff does but I know he's my mate, I just know it." She said a dreamy look on her face as she cradled her bump tenderly. "I'm sorry I guess that's not really any help but I... I can't tell you about the connection I've never felt it and I guess Darius didn't really tell you about it and who else are you supposed to ask? But Darius well you cant blame him I mean he's your father you're his little girl. I'm sure he just doesn't want to consider his little princess going out into the world hunting for a possible mate. Especially after everyone here spent so long expecting you to pair up with...oh fuck." I giggled in sheer shock from hearing Kate swear but the look on her face made me stop after just a second. "You...oh don't like to make things easy do you...oh my ...oh fuck. Your not asking about the future are you? You're asking about Derek, you want to know if the two of you are bonded."

"No...I wasn't asking that." I squeaked

"When did this happen?"

"What nothings happened."

"Oh stop fucking around you had sex with him." She ran a hand over her face, "damn."

"I didn't." I squealed defensively but Kate continued as though I hadn't spoken,

"My God why do you hate him this much?" she said gently, that hurt more than anything else she possibly could have said.

"I don't." I whispered

"You must you making his life so hard. he loves you so much anyone could tell you that and all he wants is just you and you chose to leave we ... we thought that ...that you wouldn't ... we thought you were trying to live apart ... and that maybe it wasn't that you wanted to torture him like we all thought and maybe you actually didn't feel what he did. I think even he was starting to think that and then you went and fucked him"

"Fuck you." I snapped my cheeks hot, as intense anger swamped me and I walked towards the door wishing I was still in the car and had never even attempted this ridiculous conversation.

"And screwed up any chance. All he wants is you so you fuck him let him think.... And you still leave. Its sadistic." I snarled and strode angrily from the room .Kate called but I ignored he determined of one thing that is I wasn't going to allow myself to be alone with her again.

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