Part 50

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.Chapter 50

"Jess honey." Jamie said running into the ward I jumped out of my chair as he wrapped me into a hug so tight that I was nearly knocked off my feet by the force of it. "Are you alright?" he asked holding me at arms length so he could critically evaluate me. I knew that I looked like crap but I was okay really. My throat hurt I had one or two deep burns and my eyes were still stinging but I had refused point blank to a few days 'observation'. As I said we liked to remain inconspicuous when we could so I allowed my deeper burns to be dressed and ran up to sit at Ashton's bedside . He was still unconscious apparently due to smoke inhalation and also had several deep burns especially on his hands but apparently was 'stable'. He had come round for a while but generally in those periods he just seemed highly confused for about a half an hour and then nodded off again.

"I'm fine." I said squirming free of his grip.

"And ash?"

"stable whatever that means" I said but I couldn't stop a tiny smile appearing however anti he had been in the beginning as far as he was now concerned Ashton was now a member of our tiny fucked up little pack. This meant Jamie wasn't going to give me shit about saving him we risked our lives for our brothers' everyday it was the more acceptable option.

"You know you shouldn't have done that." he said gently but there was no real conviction behind it. "You could have really got hurt." I smiled at him briefly before I leaned over and brushed the hair back from Ashton's cool skin.

"What was I supposed to leave him to burn?" I said gently Jamie shook his head and put a gentle arm around me.

"Did you tell Darius?" I asked Jamie nodded.

"Let me guess I'm too go home right now go directly home do not pass go do not collect two hundred pounds."

"No actually." Jamie said gently.


"That's what he said accidents happen fires happen unless one of us thinks it's suspicious it's just a fire."

"Oh." I said still confused,

"Anything makes you think..."

"That it was specific?" I asked. Jamie nodded, I thought of that single red rose, the lingering scent of a rogue running through the halls. I shook my head, Jamie smiled,

"Okay Hon so I guess were staying put." He said with a smile. I smiled weakly as I felt tears well up in my eyes. Jamie looked horrified,

"Oh honey." He said more than a little awkwardly, I bit my lip trying to suppress my tears and then decided not to bother and flung myself on him, wrapping my arms round his neck and pulling him into my arms.

"I am so so sorry about what I said I really really am. I when I thought about Ash in there when I thought I'd lost him god it hurt and you... Jay just the thought of loosing one of you it kills me" Jamie patted my back before kissing the top of my head.

"I'm not going anywhere Jess I have to protect you from yourself." I smiled and just snuggled a little deeper into his shoulder contently.

"Excuse me." a quiet voice said, Jamie released me still looking slightly awkward as we twisted around to look at the small dark haired nurse behind us. "Um I'm afraid visiting hours are over the young man needs his rest."

"He looks pretty rested to me." I said leaning over to brush the hair of his forehead. Ashton shifted slightly under my grasp just a little. I leaned in closer "I'll come back tomorrow." I whispered, "I can't go back to school without you to copy off of." I straightened up as Jamie reached over and put his hand gently on his shoulder.

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