Part 41

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Chapter 41

Oh, fuck! I thought furiously as I pounded the shit out of an innocent punch bag. I rubbed my gloved hand across my sweaty forehead.

"Fuck, Fuck, FUCK." I snarled before I again returned to pounding the bag. I couldn't seem to get my thoughts to move beyond this single thought: I just fucked a rogue in an alley. A rogue. A stray wolf the ones that try to destroy my family the ones we hunt the ones we tear to pieces with just our teeth happy to taste their blood in our mouths. I should have kicked his fucking head in and then called the enforcers all of them to drag his corpse away! And then I should have screwed one of them. But no not only did I let the rogue go I fucked him first yeah, great plan. If Darius found out or even had a suspicion of what had happened he would drag me back to the den and leave me there with both my legs tied together for the next few millennia. "Fuck, fuck Fuck." I growled punctuating each word with a strong blow.

"Oooh somebody's not happy." Scott said entering the room with a small playful smile, which made his beautiful sparkling blue eyes sparkle. "We don't often see you here in the middle of the day. Actually come to think of it we haven't seen much of you at all lately."

"Been embracing student life." I snarled battering the bag with a barrage of jabs.

"Aaah and today that's pissed you off?" he said knowledgably.

"No I've fucked up. I've pissed me off."

"Aaah wanna talk?" he asked grabbing the bag holding it steady his blue eyes looked honest.

"Oh fuck no!" I said instantly,

"Do you want to spar?" he asked his eyes sparkling at the suggestion.

"No thank you." I said plainly. Scott smiled gently,

"Pad drills then? Before you bash the padding out of this innocent punch bag altogether." I smiled at him.


"No problem." He said easily "did you just get contacts?"


"Your eyes they should be brown their gold." He said brushing the loose hair back from my sweaty neck. "They seem to sort of shift and shimmer" he shook his head lightly "I've never seen anything like it. It's really pretty." he finished lamely muttering quietly as if he were ashamed at the weak words.

"Boyfriend?" Scott suggested as we padded up,

"fuck no."

"its definitely guy trouble."

"you could say that."

"Hey Jess." Jamie called out loudly as I stumbled into the flat.

"Chicken." I said with a smile shoving my nose into the air. Jamie leaned out of the kitchen and nodded.

"Are you alright?" he asked his brow furrowed

"Of course." I lied in a two bright cheery voice. Jamie left the kitchen and walked towards me his gaze far too intense and knowing for my liking.

"Ashton called." Jamie said gently "he said you missed your lecture he's worried."

"I'm fine."

"So where were you?" Jamie asked,

"With the girls."I lied quickly. Jamie smiled,

"Nice try Lauren called looking for you." Shit,

"I was with the girls..." I said slowly thinking frantically.

"And then apparently you got up and scampered out of there like your tail was on fire. Lauren told me ... apparently it had something to do with a guy." He finished with a smile.

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