Part 3

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Chapter 3

We left at 7pm on Friday the night before my Birthday. My arrival downstairs was greeted by Wolf whistles and in Dean's case a quick ass grope. Despite it being my 18th birthday I was dressed as the boy's were very low key. I wore my hipster jeans (that according to Darius I should pull up) a black halter neck top which sat just high enough to reveal my flat stomach, with my black leather jacket slung over the top. In the last month despite my obvious lack of shifts I had developed the metabolism of my fellow wolves. We basically never stopped eating and didn't put on any weight; we in fact had not an inch of fat on us we were pure lean muscle. Since my first shift I seemed to be constantly hungry and yet my figure was pleasantly slipping down on the fleshy parts, I had always had a good figure but it was becoming damn near perfect while I could eat anything I wanted. The werewolf diet it was almost perfect. Thankfully despite my figure sliming down I remained pleasantly feminine, my hips and my breasts still remained, which was fortunate I think the boys would have been outraged if they'd disappeared. My flatter stomach made my hips seem more pronounced and if I didn't know better I could have sworn my legs had gotten Longer, as well as becoming as muscled as any persistent runner. It was as if my body was preparing for a shift it knew one day it would have. I had left the majority of my light brown hair hanging loose around my shoulders in their vague semblance of curls, except for those annoying strands that always fell in my face those I'd scooped back, even though I knew they'd still manage to get in the way after a while.

"You look nice." I leapt a clear foot clear of the floor as I felt a familiar breath brush my neck "twitchy aren't you." Derek said as though amused by this fact. I smiled but didn't say anything he obviously didn't require any response as he closed his eyes for a second. He was stood too close; I wanted to move back as I was sure I could hear the steady thump, thump, thump of his heart. But I knew my boys if I did step back I would never live it down, so I stood still held my ground even though I saw Derek leaning a little closer angling his nose into the junction between my shoulder and neck, and I realised what he was doing: he was smelling me ! I confess my sense of smell had improved immensely since my first shift. I had started to enjoy sniffing shampoo bottles, ice cream tubs and weirdly the sofa! But I hadn't got the urge to begin smelling people, I knew the boys scents but that was simple as I was around them all the time, but I didn't feel any desire to go stick my nose into their necks immerging myself in their smells however nice and masculine they were. Derek lifted his head and opened his eyes as though refreshed. I glared at him as a flash of gold sparkled across his eyes and he just smiled that playful boyish smile that I knew so well, and he knew that it was the one thing that I couldn't help but be endeared by.

"Come on you two enough of the foreplay." Dean called from the doorway, "times a wasting the ladies out there are lonely without me." I sighed and headed across the hall and out into the Dusk and crunch across the gravel. Without discussion I slid into the front seat, Jamie was driving (and yes we were aware that he didn't have a licence as he wasn't old enough but nobody would guess it looking at him and as one of us his reactions were so good we'd never get pulled over). Jamie turned to smile at me as I slipped in next to him, it was a sweet little innocent smile, and he even tried to cover up the way his eyes flickered to my cleavage.

"Want to pick out a CD?" he asked as he swung the car into gear. I smiled at him and leaned over to press a quick kiss onto Jamie's cheek, my smile widening as I saw the deep crimson colour spreading up his cheeks as he looked flabbergasted.

"Wow." Dean said leaning over the seat to roughly tussle Jamie's hair, "a kiss on the cheek, Score." I smiled as Jamie if possible flushed even brighter.

"Look Jay you two should try and control your hormones and get us to a bar before Derek looses it and jumps over there and starts breaking thumbs." Carl called from the back. After another brief snicker, the van was put into gear and began crunching down the long gravel driveway. We were in the van a big black heap with two seats in the front and a very comfortable floor in the back for the guys. But also back there was a small silver cage equipped with chains and other full body restraints. which is where I was to be placed if I misbehaved and actually the guys (except for Derek and Jamie of course) had suggested they may like to put me in there even if I didn't misbehave. I also knew they were all equipped with sedatives and the very subtle crease in Derek's jeans told me he was carrying a gun and he was taking this very seriously.

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