Part 61

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Chapter 61

I didn't know whether I should shout out as I entered the empty factory several appropriate phrases popped into my head but I actually just chose to stay silent and headed through the empty echoing space towards the metal staircase and up to the office he used as a bed/living room. I slowly opened the door and bit my lip, he wasn't there. I sighed and with a sudden insight I pulled out my mobile and scrolling down I found Zoe's number and pressed call. It began to ring and I held it pressed to my ear and began striding around the room angrily like a caged animal. Suddenly the ringing stopped,

"Hello Princess." Zac purred.

"Do you have her there Zac?"

"What your little friend? Yes I do." He said smoothly "but I'm afraid she can't talk right now. We had a little incident. She got a bit hysterical, I had to silence her." my heart stopped,

"Is she dead?" I asked my voice shockingly controlled,

"Don't beat around the bush princess if you want to know something just ask."

"ZAC." I snarled,

"No she's not." He said placidly,

"Prove it." I snapped,

"You don't trust me?...I'm hurt."

"Zac." I said sternly, he sighed

"Hold on." After a moment of so pause, I heard his voice clearly from more of a distance. "Okay sweetheart you need to talk for me okay." He said softly "come on my princess wants to hear you so lets take this out ." my eyes widened as I heard an ear splitting scream, followed by a loud slap. I ran a hand over my forehead that was already feeling damp and sweaty. "There trust me now?" Zac asked smoothly,

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked my tone clearly desperate,

"Giving you what was it...time and space?"

"By killing my friends."

"I thought they were assimilation aids?" he asked in a curios tone, but I ignored the question "and anyway" he said brightly didn't I just prove that I didn't kill her. The dead can't scream like know you really do bring the worst out in me maybe me and your Derek should start some sort of support group."

" girls can't slap their kidnappers like that." I said coldly.

"Now that." he said slowly "I did do... but it was necessary I had to get her gag back in."

"Where the hell are you?" I snapped,

"Why you miss me?" he teased,

"Where the hell are you?" I repeated even more sternly,

"West Mooreland road." He said simply hanging up on me. I bit my lip I knew where West Mooreland Road was well sort of it was behind several large nightclubs but I didn't know where the hell he would be there as it was right on the edge of town. So basically this was where the town ended giving way to Fields and trees. I couldn't think about that now. I hurried out into the street and broke into a swift Jog.

I vaulted over a rumble down stonewall and continued sprinting through the sparse trees twisting and weaving through the undergrowth as I raced after Zac's scent it was strong enough for me to be able to read the general direction. Finally finding myself emerging on the narrow forest path my feet sinking just a little in the thick coating of mud. I kept moving quickly my apprehension growing with each step as I knew that there was no way for this to possibly end well for me, as something was going to have to change. I stumbled to a halt as a small ramshackle house came into view and I couldn't help but snort in half laughter a bloody ruin on the outskirts of a wood, how fucking Clichéd. At least this was built of crumbling bricks and not twigs. I scrambled up the few steps and raised my hand to knock on the peeling paint of the wooden door. Then snorted at the idioticness of this gesture and just barged the door open. "Well hello princess." Zac said pleasantly flinging aside the magazine, he was reading and pushing himself up off the grubby mattress he was sitting on. My eyes were instantly drawn to Zoe who was huddled up in the far corner wearing just short skirt and Black bra. Her long hair was in disarray around her face, her eyes wide and terrified which only got wider and more terrified as she saw me. Her hands and feet were bound with a thick rope, and there was a bundle of dirty linen gagging her. Zac made my side and gave me a kiss on the forehead,

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