Part 25

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Chapter 25

I was jerked awake far earlier than I would have liked as the wolf and human forms tangled around me began to shift. We had spent the night running through the woods I unfortunately was forced to maintain my human form as I with Derek so close glaring at me so intently I couldn't seem to gain the focus I needed to shift so I stayed as a human and ran alongside my wolves collapsing with them when we chose to sleep all of us huddled together, their thick pelts keeping me toasty warm as we all just ignored the rapidly falling rain. The wolf departing from behind me left my back suddenly cold. So I untangled myself from the others pushing myself up to my feet slowly as I registered the sound nearby of Derek shifting in the undergrowth.

'Dare." I called as he strode off in human form his naked body glistening with settling rain, I knew he heard me but he still kept moving. I sighed and just scampered after him." you can't ignore me forever."

"I don't have to." he snarled "your going home later right."

"Look I get it your still angry at me." A said pushing the wet hair back from my face.

"no." he said softly stopping to look honestly into my eyes "I'm not angry I miss you." He said gently I would have preferred it if he'd yelled at me.

"Dare."I muttered quietly "I'm sorry if I hurt you."

"When your not here. I miss you so bad it hurts I can't even think straight, all I can think of is you how I shouldn't be here, how I need to be with you. Everything inside me tells me that this is all wrong. And I get this I'm being a jerk but I don't know what else I can do."

"I'm sorry." I said honestly "I shouldn't have done that know on the piano it wasn't right I'm sorry I know that isn't the way to help you get over us."

"Your not listening at all are you?" he said gently too gently, I opened my mouth but couldn't think of anything to say. "I don't want an apology I wanted 'what happened on the piano' I don't want to get over us I want you," I felt tears pricking the back of my eyes I had shaken Derek this is as close as we would ever get to arguing he was being honest of course as he couldn't lie but here he was not considering every word just the hot passionate words pouring out of him "I want you here. I know I'm being a jerk but I cannot cope with you being two hundred fucking miles away." He just stopped as if suddenly too exhausted to continue he had poured all his emotions out to me and that just left him unbelievably weary, as his eyes locked on mine pure shinning gold it was so beautiful.

"Dare." I whispered sadly stepping forward to slide a single finger down his cheek. Derek shook his head slightly but otherwise didn't move.

"Just no talking." he said softly,

"I want to help you." I said gently.

"But I don't want to talk." He said simply his eyes still locked on mine. Before I had a chance to even breathe he had gripped both my upper arms tightly and dragged me close to him pressing his lips to mine with a passion which was close to savagery. He tasted perfect my pathetic resistance that was whispering in the back of my head was overpowered by my lust for him which was screaming approval, telling me to kiss him, touch him, taste him savour him. Derek growled into my mouth as he clearly sensed my clear lack of resistance. I slid my hands through his hair gripping clumps harshly, as Derek's taut firm sweating body pushed me backwards, I stumbled backwards unthinkingly following his directions until I felt my back hit a large tree. Derek pushed himself into me even closer grinding the bark sharply into my back, but that didn't even register after all I already had splinters in my back. 'What are you doing?' that irritating voice in my head - my conscious? I ignored it and nibbled at Derek's lower lip as his hands slid under my bum picking me up pinning me between his taut body and the tree his hands slid along my legs wrapping them around my waist. 'Jessica I don't understand what's going on between you two so you can bet to hell Derek is fucking confused too. And Jessica we are not passive creatures he is a wolf' I tore my lips from Derek's biting my bottom lip painfully as Darius' words all those months ago pounded through my head, as I felt Derek's hands sliding up my thighs ripping my underwear off.

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