Part 37

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Chapter 37

I raised my nose to the air and snorted in disgust as I was rewarded with a nostril full of sleet. Dean Laughed as well as is possible in wolf form anyway (he had appeared soon after me and Jamie had shifted and begun sprinting through the trees). I shook my head shaking the water droplets out of my silvery grey fur. I bared my teeth at him and gave a half-hearted growl that I was too content to put any real effort into it. Dean reached over and playfully gripped the scruff of my neck shaking it lightly. I twisted over onto my back pulling my skin from his too light grip and attempted to fling him off with strong kick but Dean just growled keen to wrestle and flung his body on top of mine as he nibbled at my neck trying to get a grip while I twisted and wriggled beneath him. I heard a loud growl behind me, which was anything but playful. I knew the sound I instantly knew who it was, to me and Dean this was play fighting but Derek clearly found it more flirtatious than he liked. Dean interpreted this threat correctly and instantly released me shrinking back towards Jamie his posture submissive. It was immediately clear why as Derek advanced on him his huge dark grey posture was simply terrifying. He moved slowly his head down teeth bared as his intense gaze focused on Dean. I snorted, we both knew that this response was ridiculous but Derek and me were behaving like mates and when two wolves began to live as mates, our jealousy for a while was rather ridiculous, we simply had to live through it. Luckily for me though there weren't generally any girls around for me to be jealous of so I ended up looking like the reasonable one, although I had been seen baring me teeth and growling threateningly at the woman on the perfume counter in boots because she was smiling at him in a way I didn't like. I growled back at Derek and walked into his path butting his shoulder hard with my forehead. He turned to look at me and bared his teeth but of course, I knew I could just ignore this he wouldn't ever hurt me. I snapped the ruff of Derek's neck and gave him a playful shake as Dean had with me, Derek didn't move but he growled loudly deep in his throat. I dug my teeth in more firmly. I slowly slightly hesitantly released him. Derek turned slowly to face me and snarled again, I simply snorted and butted his shoulder playfully with my nose before turning and walking away through the trees. After a few steps Derek's dark grey wolf form silently fell into step beside me. After we had walked for a few minutes, I stopped and padded Derek with my nose before swinging my head around to indicate a dense thicket. He stood still clearly understanding this gesture, I jumped over a small stream and shuffled myself through the brambles settling myself down I was easily able to find the calm I needed to initiate my shift back.

Soon I way lying on the frosty ground in human form all my muscles aching from the shift a thin film of sweat coating my skin. I could hear the snarls and yelps from a short distance off which clearly told me Derek was shifting back into human form too. I waited patiently for these sounds to subside before I struggled out of the foliage towards him. Derek lay similarly on the frozen ground in the foetal position his feet dangling into the nearby stream, his hair in disarray a film of sweat coating his skin. I walked the few steps to him and settled myself down on the floor behind him snuggling into his back kissing the back of his neck softly. Derek rubbed his hands down my arms gently smiling at the Goosebumps he could feel beneath his roaming fingertips.

"Sorry I went a little crazy." he said I bit the back of his neck gently.

"Nah I love it when you get all crazy macho on me." I said,

"I just I was looking for you and I couldn't find you anywhere and then I knew you were in the woods but I couldn't I couldn't find you it took me ages I had to shift so I could pick up your trail and then I found you and Dean was." he took a deep breath clearly steeling himself as I gently ran my hands across his skin, "it just...I knew he was just playing around but he looked like he was all over you and." I gently pressed a kiss to the back of his neck which he obviously took as forgiveness as he pulled my hand up to his lips and began kissing and nibbling on my fingertips. I purred contently into the back of Derek's neck as I slid my body closer to him pressing into him and slinging my leg around his hip. Derek continued to kiss and caress my fingertips as his hand when down to my thigh and began stroking it. I smiled to myself and tried to push myself even closer to him as he began stroking more and more firmly up my thigh. I moaned gently into his ear, as I knew he liked to hear these sounds from me. Derek growled and released his grip from my thigh, which made me frown, but before I could do, more than frown Derek had grabbed the arm that I had sung across him and firmly pulled me.

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