Part 34

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Chapter 34

My return home for the Christmas holidays wasn't really the way I had pictured it as Dean leapt from the car before it had even stopped and fled into the house and growling irritated at him I followed.

"Hey Jess I want to talk to you." Derek called across the entrance hall which I had been striding purposefully across towards the boys who had all flitted out in response to our car arriving back. Their happy smiles instantly faded to be replaced by complete dismay. I sighed heavily and turned folding my arms.

"Oh why don't you just order me to listen." He looked completely unabashed,

"Yes I've wanted to talk to you. Its you who have been childish." he snorted "even by your standards. But now I have a good idea why."

"So what your dragging me back here to talk or just to try and control me."

"Since your behaving like an idiot it's for your own fucking good." He snarled.

"Oh keep telling yourself that maybe you'll even start to believe it." My voice started to rise, "it's for my own good not because your fucking jealous."

"I'm the jealous one." He snarled loudly "what is it that you did when I 'betrayed you'?"

"What did I do?" I shouted "Don't leave." I snapped at the boys who were in the background looking mortified and were trying to slip discretely from the room.

"They are trying to be polite." Derek snapped

"No. it's impolite to get between two arguing mates and you're not my mate." I snapped the words I'd said so much they were becoming my catchphrase.

"Keep telling yourself that maybe you'll even start to believe it." Derek snarled, I narrowed my eyes.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I snarled,

"Obviously they think you are Darling you must be acting like one."

"I don't fucking care." I screamed at him "and don't fucking leave." I shouted at the boys who were again sliding discretely from the room but this time they ignored me and looking panicked scurried into the kitchen. I snarled and turned away striding across the entrance hall.

"No jess I am talking to you." He said sharply

"Why you throw your weight around and got what you wanted I'm here. So now all you have to do is tell and I'll be stuck here." I said calmly

"Maybe I will."

"Is that your plan keep me under house arrest until I agree to screw you? Well since your planning on telling on me why not do it properly. while you're at it tell him who spiked Rogers's coffee with laxatives." A growl from the kitchen was ignored "or how about the fact that when you were sixteen you lost a bet to me so I got to enter you in a dog show." A chuckle from the kitchen was similarly ignored "oh and don't forget the fact that the scar above you eye that I gave you by stabbing you with a pencil because you tried to look up my skirt."

"No this is different." he snarled "you are putting yourself in danger."

"I am not and that is not even it." I shouted "you are just fucking jealous."

"And you weren't." he snarled, a radio suddenly started booming out of the kitchen, they boys were trying to drown us out it wouldn't work but it was sweet of them to try.

"You went out and fucked some random just to piss me off so congratulations it worked. I am not trying to piss you off." Derek snorted disbelievingly "Look I'm sorry you didn't get it. How many times did I have to tell you No."

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