Part 48

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Chapter 48

"Jess. Jessica." Zac's voice chimed out as he prodded me awake. I groaned and twisted around irritably trying to get myself in a place where I could go back to sleep. "Your phones ringing."

"It's not important." I groaned, he chuckled.

"Then just move I'm loosing the feeling in my arm." I groaned and shuffled across the mattress so he could pull his arm out from under my shoulders. Zac shuffled in closer to me and slung his arm around my waist nuzzling into the back of my neck.

"Stop trying to cuddle." I snapped swinging my leg back to kick him in the shins. Zac grunted loudly and shuffled back from me.

"You know I reckon your dads looking at this whole situation wrong." Zac said casually. I rolled over onto my side and frowned at him,

"You don't have any girls." He said with a shrug "and you can't shag the entire male population all by yourself. Derek wouldn't like it would he?"

"We don't turn people who don't agree its stealing their lives."

"But you didn't do it. So this way the pack is expanding and you guys didn't have to violate your all important control and break any of your beloved laws." I narrowed my eyes at him,

"We give people a choice." I said firmly. Zac smiled slowly,

"Is that really it princess or do you just like being your packs only beloved little walking womb."

"That is ridiculous." I snarled, Zac chuckled lightly.

"Hit a nerve did I?"

"You don't know anything about my family." I snarled but something inside me did ring true I was the only young girl, my boys princess and yes the Idea of another girl did bother me , just a bit . Not that I was going to tell him that of course.

"I know enough my little pack wolf." He said reaching out he gently stroked the brand on the inside of my left wrist with a surprising amount of tenderness and focus. "My packs nosy and your packs small." Zac said slowly.

"Is your pack that much bigger?" I asked honestly curious.

"Well I'm in your western adjoining territories pack. There's the alpha his mates."


"Yeah he has three."

"You can't have three mates. You have one mate or you can have three wives or three fuck partners but no more than one mate." I snapped, Zac smiled,

"Aaaaah aren't you a romantic."

"That's not romance it's a fact." I said simply. "Its just biology." Zac rolled his eyes,

"Well our Alpha disagreed. So anyway he has three mates' nine accepted heirs."


"Seven males. Then there are three additional families, two of which have a mommy and a daddy. One with just a mommy. Between them there are." He paused his lips moving silently as he clearly counted in his head. "Six young that live with us one beautiful female." He smiled "who has just recently became a mommy for the first time of a set of twins. And there are ... four additional males who are unmated or were when I left and god knows how many kids they have made with local humans. Give it time and they'll show up they always do."

"Hang on; when they have a fling with a human you just leave them? You have no idea if they have the genes what if they go through the change." Zac shrugged, as I gaped horrified,

"Then we find them."

"But they don't know what's happening to them and there are no controls for when they finally shift to you have any idea how dangerous that is?" I squealed,

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