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There had been a moment where people tried to sleep, some families tried to hide in their tents. Maybe some people slept. But I don't think I would have been able to close my eyes and sleep if I tried. 

I'd helped the others for awhile but it was day now. I'd counted how many people from our camp had died and I figured I'd check the graves. We were burying them, not just burning them like the walkers. 

I had a shovel and made my way up the hill. Jim had been digging graves yesterday, that's what got him tied to that tree. I don't even know why he was digging it, I don't know if the other's did. But what a coincidence that he was digging graves the day we got attacked.

We still needed four graves. Jim hadn't been able to finish his job so here I was. I made sure my hat was on tightly before I started digging.

I don't know how long it had been but I did know I was on the fourth grave when Glenn came over.

"You okay?" I heard him ask and I didn't stop. 

"I'm okay. Are you?" I asked and looked up at him before putting more dirt on the shovel. Glenn didn't respond as I flipped more dirt upside. 

"Glenn?" I asked and stopped shoveling. He was sitting down now, at the edge of the grave. I set the shovel down before hopping up next to him. Not only did Glenn lose people last night, but something happened in Atlanta.

"You don't have to...but if you want to, you can talk about it. I don't even have to say anything." I told him and Glenn did. Glenn told me everything. He even told me what happened with the Merle thing and thank god, because nobody else had.

We sat there talking for awhile before heading back to camp. We both needed water, the last thing everybody needed was for some of us to pass out due to dehydration.

Glenn and I had been at camp for maybe an hour. Rick and Shane had headed up the hill to check on my digging skills. Chances were, they weren't good enough for them and they'd re-dig. Fine by me, it's not like I worked hard or anything. 

Daryl left camp with the truck of bodies and Lori walked over to us. I took another sip of water when she stood in from of Glenn and I.

"You guys coming?" Lori asked. Glenn stood up right away but I didn't.

"I wasn't going to." I admitted. I didn't know anybody that died last night. I was fine with helping them prepare for the service or whatever and then just staying down here. I didn't need to be up there. Besides funerals aren't really my thing.

But apparently I didn't have a choice. Glenn grabbed my hand and pulled me up. Lori nodded her head in agreement and we made our way to the grave site.

Shane, Rick, and Daryl were talking by the graves. I could only assume it was quite the conversation, I was just devasted to be missing out on it. Just kidding. I'd rather run three marathons in a row.

"There are no rules." I finally heard Rick say once we got close enough.

"Well, that's a problem. We haven't had one minute to hold onto anything of our old selves. We need time to mourn and we need time to bury our dead. It's what people do." Lori scolded the three men and in my head I applauded her. Apparently they've been fighting burying our people, especially Daryl. It actually seems like Daryl has just been a treat all day. Not that he's talked to me.

One by one everybody was buried. Amy was the last person to be put in the ground. Andrea had insited on doing it by herself but Dale had went to help her. He let her do most of it but was there just in case. 

Jessamine Dixon lives in the apocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now