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I woke up to Maggie opening the door. This time I could see right away.

She walked up to the bed side and handed me another tray. She ended up sitting down in the chair.

"Did Glenn tell you?" She asked and it took me a second to realize what she was talking about. 

"What makes you say that?" I asked.

"I can see that everybody tells you everything, when they have a secret, or a problem." She wasn't wrong.

"Well, you caught me." She smiled.

"So he did tell you?" I held in the gag, as a joke.

"Yeah." She sighed.

"You at least feelin' better?" It felt like she was the only person to tell me that.

"I feel amazing." Okay, I was feeling better. So, basically amazing.

"Good, then you can try to walk today." I know my face lit up right away, I could tell my Maggie's smile. 

"Those are the most beautiful words I have ever heard."

"But you have to eat all your food." Those would be the worst words. That wasn't even fair. How was I supposed to do that? Maggie walked out of the room with a smirk on her face. 

I forced myself to eat the breakfast just so I could walk. I was almost done. I didn't want to finish, I couldn't. I don't think I'd be able to. Daryl walked in and I put the smile on my face.

He had his crossbow on his back. I knew what it meant but all I could do way sigh.

"Your going back out, aren't you?" I asked and Daryl looked down.

"Gotta find her." He was right, but I didn't want him to be right. I wanted to be out there helping. 

"I know." I told him and I looked down at the bedding.

"I'll be back, I'm always come back." Yeah, most of the time he comes back. Lately he likes to come back. That's the new, end of the world, Daryl. 

"You best be." I told him with a glare. He put his hand on my shoulder.

"And to help you, I mapped it out. I don't know if you already did, but nothing is better than this map. It's mapped out where she got lost, where you already looked, approximately how far she would make it each direction, the good stuff. Then it's color coded with what each pen color means. You're welcome." I told him while handing him the map. Daryl nodded his head appreciatively and then nodded towards my tray. 

"I see that you ate nearly all of the food." I almost gagged at him bringing up the fact.

"I don't want to talk about it." Daryl ruffled my hair before walking towards the door.

"Daryl!" I called him and he stopped, he walked back over to the side of the bed.

"Don't see the chupacabra." I warned him and he shoved me over. He rolled his eyes and walked to the door.

"I know what I saw and apparently so does the entire camp." I nodded remembering it all.

"You told them the base of the story. I just told them the part where you-you know." I moved my hands in a rolling motion. He rolled his eyes again and exited the room. 

I spent another hour sitting by myself staring out the window. It felt like I had been there forever and I was never going to leave. But Glenn walked through the door.

He set my bag down at the foot of the bed. I hadn't seen that thing since I gave it to him before we left for Fort Benning. God, that felt like a long time ago, too.

Jessamine Dixon lives in the apocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now