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The other people were just looking at us with a glare, but it might have just been the mask in they way. Alpha was giving us quite the glare though, I could tell, because it was just a human face.

Kelly ran up to the top frantically and was looking around. She stepped in between each of them trying to see through and I turned towards her.

"Kelly, what's wrong?" I asked and she grabbed the binoculars.

"Connie--she ran into the corn field." Kelly whispered under her breath and I looked towards the corn fields.

"Our community is more than capable of defending itself!" Tara told them.

"I show you my face because we mean you no harm. I just want my daughter. I know you have her." Alpha told us.

"You should turn around. Leave now and no one gets hurt." Daryl warned her.

"We can do this smartly, but I would need you to stay here." I whispered to Kelly and she looked at me.

"She's my sister." Kelly whispered.

"I know, but I would need you to signal me." I told Kelly and we looked back towards Alpha and her people.

"Wrong answer." Alpha said and put her hand in the air.

More walkers came around, bigger than the group already there. They were all walking like normal humans but it was a lot of them.

Kelly grabbed the binoculars and started looking again. We had to wait for all the people to pan out over the fields.

"I see her." Kelly whispered and pointed towards the field. I couldn't see clearly but I could see something that wasn't corn.

"They don't see her. Least not yet." Kelly told the others.

"She just has to do exactly what she's doing and it'll be okay." I reassured them and we all looked back at Alpha.

"That girl told me what her mom does to her. We ain't sending her back to that." Daryl protested to the five of us.

"Yeah, but what if she has Alden and Luke? Pissing her off can get them killed." Tara said.

"Getting Alden and Luke back comes before her." I told them.

"How can you say that? If that were Dad would you want me to give you back in exchange for Merle?" Daryl asked and I stiffened my back.

"Daryl Adolf Dixon." I warned him.

"Did you kill our friends? We found their horses." Magna pointed out.

"No. Which one of you leads these people?" Alpha asked.

"That's a multiple answer question." I whispered.

"What the hell does it matter?" Daryl asked her.

"Then I'll just address all of you." Alpha said.

"That works." I told her.

"Your people crossed into our land. There will be no conflict. Your people killed our people." She told us.

"Yours did the same to us." I reminded her.

"There will be no conflict. I'm done talkin. Bring me my daughter, or they will be conflict." Alpha told us and I looked at her.

"No one touches the girl." Daryl whispered and walked towards the ladder.

"Daryl." Tara said.

"Where's he going?" Magna asked and we were all moving.

"Daryl, stop." Tara said and we all started following him except Magna.

"Does she have Alden and Luke?" Enid asked from the bottom.

Jessamine Dixon lives in the apocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now