Seed//Season 3

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8  months. 8 months of constant running. 8 months with nowhere permanent. Yet we were still trying. Maybe the group would eventually get somewhere or we'd all slowly die from this.

The males went to go clear the umpteenth house that we've gone to. Maggie and Glenn went to go check around the house. There was no way that this house would be the one. Yet we were still trying.

I had my stuff, Lori's stuff, Daryl's stuff, and Glenn's stuff either on my shoulder or sitting by my feet. I stayed by Lori because she was the one that was ready to pop. It was getting dangerous to be running her around like this. It wouldn't be good for the baby.

We heard Rick whistle and that's when we knew that we would be able to go inside. I pulled the bags onto my shoulder and looked at Lori. Recently I've been making sure that she wasn't carrying anything to heavy. But this time all she had was a small bag and a sleeping bag.

We walked around the corner and I kept a hand out for Lori as she walked up the stairs. We walked into the house and it looked like almost like all the rest of them. Walker's being pulled to the side, abandoned, not safe.

I sighed and walked over to the staircase. I set the bags down by my feet while the rest of them would be in the living room. Rick shut the door and it was another minute before all of them were sitting in the living room.

The tension in that room could have been cut with an entire chainsaw, well the chainsaw could attempt. Some of them were just sitting there unpacking. But Lori was eating and rubbing her stomach, Daryl was taking the feathers off of an owl, Rick and T-dog kept checking all the windows.

Carl ran into the room and sat down next to Beth. They all watched him in disgust as he pulled out two cans of cat food. They thought that would be the worst thing they ate, they had another thing or two coming.

He grabbed a can opener and started to open it. Rick walked over and picked up the can. He read it for a second and then threw it at the fire place. None of us were quite expecting that reaction from him. More seconds passed and nothing was said and nothing happened.

"Psst." We all looked at T-dog and he nodded towards the window. We all knew what that meant, we've been hearing it nearly everyday for the past 8 months.

Everybody grabbed there stuff. I made sure that I had every bag on my shoulder and I ran down the stairs to Lori.

We ran out the back door and I made sure that Lori wasn't gonna trip or anything. We got down the stairs and ran around the house towards the cars. We were throwing our stuff in the cars and I grabbed Lori's stuff so I could throw it in the trunk. I jumped in the trunk and pulled it close.

We stopped the cars in the middle of some road. Carl ran to the peak of the caravan and I ran behind the last car in the line. The others would discuss what our next move would be but for this moment it was my job to hold my bow with an arrow notched in it.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned around to see Daryl holding up his crossbow. It was weird to see him right here, it's not like we've had many sibling one on one moments lately.

"Hey, me, you, and Rick-we're going out for a hunt." He told me and I nodded my head. We got to the woods and I followed a few feet behind them while they had there bromance time.

We were at the railroad when I looked over at a clearing over a pond and saw a prison. The gates were still standing, the only problem was all of the walkers. I thought of our group and I knew that wouldn't be that big of a deal.

"Dar-" He looked at me and so did Rick. I pointed at the prison and they both looked at it.

"That's a shame." Daryl said.

Jessamine Dixon lives in the apocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now