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"This is JD coming in." I said over the radio.

"JD, this is K." Katherine told me and I took a breath of relief.

"How are things going back home? What's a full report?" I asked her and looked around the Hilltop grounds.

"There is something I need to tell you--Laura came and told us something." Katherine told me and I took a shaky breath.

"What is it, K?" I asked.

"Negan got out." She told me.

"What?!" I asked angrily and the people were looking at me.

"They found him, Judith did and she brought him back. He's in the cage now but he had a fun run. 
All he did was wander and end up at the Sanctuary." She told me and I nodded my head. I didn't even want to think about that more, or Judith going out there...with him. Or what Negan could have done. I would just have to push it to the side for now.

"Word on the living walking among the dead.
We handed over the girl and Henry went after her. There's a lot more of them than she told us, but we already knew that.
Daryl and Connie went to go after her." I told Katherine.

"We're ready for the fair. Are you riding with us?" She asked.

"Yeah, as soon as D comes back and he has Henry, I don't care if he has the girl or not. As long as they're okay, then I'm on my way." I told her.

"Yeah, I mean we just gotta load everything up. Are you gonna have time to grab what you need or do you need me to?" Katherine asked.

"I should have time, but there's nothing specific. I don't think so.
As long as everything's ready when I get there we'll be able to just go, I think. Whose all staying?" I asked.

"I think it's just the Peterson's. Shelly and Ruby'll be switching on and off with guarding. Don and Sam will have gardening. Val and Nick got blacksmith. Then they'll help each other if needed." Katherine told me.

"Colleen is coming right?" I asked.

"Yeah, but she seems to be getting more and more insecure about  it." Katherine told me and I sighed.

"Hey, tell her, there's somebody I want her to meet. Connie--she's from the new group we brought in she's deaf to, her sister is fluent, then the rest of her group knows quite a bit." I told her.

"Aw, she'll love that." Katherine said and I nodded my head.

"I know she will." I said.

"Can you give Michonne a message for me?" I asked.

"Yeah, you want me to write it?" Katherine asked.

"Yeah." I said and I gave her a second.

"Shoot." She said.

"Michonne, this is Jess...I'm gonna talk to you about the fair, once again because I feel like I need to...
You say your doing this for the safety...and Jesus just died...You think Judith and RJ are gonna know him?...Remember him? Any of the kids?...Anybody from Alexandria who wasn't in the war?...
They're not because they weren't allowed to see them...Michonne, it's still family....but the kids can't know family...when they're not allowed to see their family...
Do something for them...for me...for everybody we lost...let the kids meet and see the people they haven't in years...
Because we don't know who's next...we don't know who we could lose next...I want Judith and know there family...before it's to late...I want all the kids to remember them...I want the people of Alexandria to know...other people...and remember and know... what's still out there for them." I said and moved my finger.

"Yeah, I got it." Katherine said.

"I'm just hoping it works." I told her.

"I mean, if it means anything, you just re-convinced me to go." Katherine told me and I laughed.

"I hope it works. Okay, I should go help. Love you, guys, see you soon." I told her.

"Love you, too. Over and out." Katherine said and I put the walkie down.

Jessamine Dixon lives in the apocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now