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"Amy and Andrea just caught a bunch of fish!" Carl exclaimed as he walked into the RV. I was cleaning the weapons at the table when he walked in. 

"Did they?" I asked as he came to sit next to me.

"Yeah, should feed everybody. It's a whole bunch of them!" Carl told me and I nodded my head at him. 

"How much you know about fishing?" I asked Carl and looked at him. Carl was already looking at me and I knew.

"Not a lot." Carl said and I nodded my head at him.

"Want me to teach you? It could be useful in the future." I suggested. We were right by the quarry. It was the perfect place to learn. Especially with how quiet it is. 

"You think Mom would let me?" Carl asked and I shrugged my shoulders.

"Only one way to find out." I told him and pushed myself out of the seat. 

It had taken over an hour to get permission and our supplies, plus I had to check where Amy and Andrea had fished, then there was the actual walking down. Turns out they don't trust me with a vehicle, not that I mind the walking for now.

Carl caught on fairly quickly. I thought maybe there would be no fish left but we were able to catch a few. It was nice to talk to Carl. I hadn't been able to do that since getting here. Turns out we had a lot to catch up on.

"There you go." I told Carl as he grabbed his second fish and put it in the bucket. 

"Next you'll have to teach me to hunt." Carl told me as he put another worm on his line.

"I think we could arrange that." I told him and resituated myself on the rock. I'd teach Carl anything if it meant he could survive on his own, if something awful were to happen. I wanted to teach him how to actually fight. I knew he didn't know how and I'm sure that Lori and Rick didn't want to because they figured they could protect him forever. But they're wrong.

"It's beautiful out here." Carl said and I looked around. It really was perfect. I wouldn't mind living the end of the world out here. But I'm sure it won't last. 

"Are you worried about them?" I asked Carl. I was known for being the worryer while he was being known for his optimism. I just don't think there's a lot of thoughts going on in Carl's head.

"No. They got out last time. Given everything dad's been through, I think he'll be fine." Carl told me and I nodded my head while looking out at the quarry. 

"Are you still mad they didn't let you go with?" Carl asked and I slowly looked back at him to see him looking at me.

"Only if something happens to them." I responded. I was still mad, but it's not like I can follow them everywhere. 

"They'll be fine, J, you have to trust." Carl told me and I took it in. I finally nodded my head and looked forward again.

"You two having fun?" I heard from the right of us and looked over. Lori was walking over while holding a hand up to block the sun. She was smiling at us and I nodded my head.

"How many have you caught?" Lori asked when she got to us and looked into the bucket.

"Carl's working on three." I responded and pointed towards the line. Lori sat next to me on the rock as we watched Carl's line.

It took a few minutes and there was finally a pull. I leaned forward but Carl was already a professional. He reeled the fish in and handed it to me. The fish was flopping in my hand and I grabbed my knife.

Lori looked away and I killed the fish before throwing it into the bucket.

"Will you teach me how to filet them?" Carl asked me and I looked at Lori. Lori had a hand up to her mouth in disgust and nodded her head. 

Jessamine Dixon lives in the apocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now