Last Day On Earth

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"Jess, tell Carl he's being stupid and should let me come with." Enid said and I turned towards her.

"Enid, I'm sorry, but right now I have to worry about Maggie." I told her.

"Glenn's not back yet and I should be helping with Maggie, I have been helping." Enid said and I put my hands on her shoulders.

"I need you here, this group. It's always been us and this is one of our people. The problem is that some of our people are out there.
When it comes to this group and this situation, it's just gonna be us. It has to only be us. If there is an attack we need you and other people here.
I can protect Maggie and so can the others coming with. We got her, but we need to know you got us here." I told her and she looked around.

"Enid, please." I begged her. 

Carl was walking into the armory and Enid stormed after him. He looked at me and I nodded at him.

Carl would need to do whatever he needed to do to keep Enid here. I ran my right hand through my hair and ran to the house Maggie was in.

"Maggie." I said and I could hear her before I could see her. I ran into the room and she was on the floor holding her stomach.

I got down on my knee's in front of her and she looked at me.

"Is there bleeding?" I asked and she shook her head.

"No, no, it's just--" Maggie screamed in agony and I looked around.

"We're gonna get to the Hilltop, let me go see if we're ready." I said and she grasped my hand before letting me go.

I ran out of the house and down the stairs. Rick was standing by the RV and I shook my head.

"We gotta go, and we gotta go now." I told him and he looked around. I ran next to him and he pointed at the RV.

"Eugene, Abraham, and Sasha are in there." Rick said and I looked from the RV to him.

"Maybe we're gonna need them." I said.

"You sure your up to go?" Rick asked and I nodded my head.

"This is Maggie we're talking about. I'm not gonna let some stitches and a bullet wound stop me from protecting her." I told him and he nodded his head.

"I know you won't." Rick told me.

The door of the RV closed and Rick walked in.

"Let's go." He said and I sat in the back with Maggie.

I sat on the ground and held her hand while she laid on the bed. Maggie wasn't looking good. She was pale, sweaty and in pain.

"I got prenatal vitamins or painkillers." I told her and she shook her head. The painkillers would be the worst possible thing to do. The tylonel was still at home and I shouldn't give her advil.

"I can't think of putting anything in my mouth." Maggie said.

"Not even water?" I asked and she shook her head.

"Maybe later." She said.

"We're gonna get there, I'm gonna get Glenn there. Dr.Carson's gonna look at you and the baby's gonna be okay." I reassured her.

"I hope." Maggie whispered.

"It will." I told her.

"I love you, Jess." Maggie told me.

"I love you, too, Maggie." I responded to her.

Aaron wanted to watch Maggie for a little bit and I agreed to it. I stood up and walked to the passenger seat on the RV.

Jessamine Dixon lives in the apocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now